Crashes (without anything in log) on Forge with Nvidia GPU on Windows
Completely at random, I will generate chunks i have previously generated and it will crash, I have no clue how to fix this. I have tried downgrading Java to match the java the server is using, I have added more ram, it crashes all the time. A restart makes it work fine for 10 minutes, until it crashes again.
74 Replies
Last thing on latest.log
The rest of it is unrelated, this is the only related issue before the game freezes with nothing else. Leaving the game to sit doesnt do anything for any amount of time.
Can you send logs?
You should send your
file to provide additional useful information.
Logs are located in the .minecraft/logs
On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs
On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs
im just exploring and then it freezes, no log errors
There is indeed nothing there
Can you try with just DH? If that works, you could try a /binary search as it is probably a mod incompatibility
Try a binary search and figure out which mod is causing it.
So disable half of the mods, see if issue is still there, if yes disable half again etc etc until you find the mod that's causing the issue.
most every mod there shouldn't cause an issue, there are no generation mods besides structures added by pixelmon. But i will go ahead and do a modified binary search, im going to run it with just pixelmon first.
crashes immediately when i lower the ram
im going to run it without pixelmon
Alright, having just DH crashes
Just DH and nothing else? Can you try making a new minecraft instance to see if your instance is not corrupt?
yep, new instance, crashes
here is the log
forge 36.2.34
minecraft 1.16.5
DH 2.0.0-a-1.16.5
Could you try with the nightly build?
whats the nightly build?
are you talking about the 2.0.1-a?
let me try that
No, the build in #links-n-downloads
ah ok
also 2.0.1 crashed
Oh lol
was just joking, i just downgraded to a super old and ugly version lol
Oh alright
trying it now, 2.0.4-a-1.16.5
oh hey, its working pretty well rn, jsut stutering instead of freezing
Yooooo it would have froze 5 times by now
how much RAM did you allocate to MC?
4 G
And how much do you have in the system?
what is your vanilla and DH RD?
Render distance
im dumb
12 and 128
Try 6 GB
*darn (???) it froze :(
Decrease CPU load in DH settings
And wait a bit witout moving
it should stabilize in a bit
it was on “custom” cpu load
it crashed
*froze in like 10 seconds
What cpu do you have?
Try minimal and go up from there
im gonna set it to minimal CPU
Intel I7 13700k
Hhmm, should do great
Idk why it doesn't
i set it to minimal quality and minimal impact
it did not crash in 10 seconds lol
If you feel fancy you can change you GC
whats gc
JAVA Garbage Collector, it is the thing that freezes your game when your RAM fills up
there is an alternative that decreases your FPS with a promise of no freezes
and a hybrid in beetween
- Z GC (teorteticly no stutter)
- Shenegog JAVA GC (hybrid)
The default one is G1GC
i have set it to minimal impact and it has not froze even when generating alot of new chunks, but it renders the distand horizons chunks weird now

ill have to give that a try. I am dissapointed that my specs are having issues. I assume it is my specs
Then again, my three other friends with the same thing all have this issue
OH! they actually get error messages, tells them to add more ram
(they just told me [jerks])
It is a to good PC
I have it too
did you change your gc?
which one do you use
at first I tuned the G1
then Z
idk which is better
Here is G1 tuning guide:
For Z and Shenegog you need to goolge yourself
Just don't allocate more then 12 GB to MC (max 16GB with 1024 DH RD and a lot of other mods)
most of these are for servers and have alot of “software addons”
at least, the tutorial is on. What are your G1 jvm args?
Even on the clint you run integrated server, there is one GC for the whole java app (Minecraft)
I just used the flags from the first box, and changed
to 12Gah
now I use
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC
but I'm not sure it is better :/well… the uh. aikar’s flags thing certainly… does something. it makes my pc run loud, and then freezes anyways

what launcher do yo use?
this is with the UseZGC flag
i guess official?

If the launcher has a slider for RAM, delete the
and -Xmx
is not, add them to the ZGCwhatever one this is
oh, yeah, i use curse forge mb
same error
isntead of Z
if it won't work I think you should update your JAVAi tried that earlier and it still had the same error but lemme try again
maybe delete
?same thing, lemme try adn delete that thing
You can try installing JAVA from Adoptium:
Home | Adoptium
Eclipse Adoptium provides prebuilt OpenJDK binaries ...
noep same thing, lemme update java
restarting pc
game hates me

try those again
IDK at this point
but check if freezes are gone not if pc runs louder
remeber that first 1-2 min will alveys be stuttery, couse everythin loads at the same time

lessgo minecraf
i cant say the double hockeysticks word
so it worked, no freezing, but it was stuttery as H E C K no matter how long i just kinda sat there and looked around
seems like im doomed
the only thing that has seemed to work is putting it at minimal or low impact which makes the chunk loading dummy
Is everything would generate the stutter will stop, as CPU load would stop
it should generate in 10-15 min
that's the last thing I can think of