My RAM is full all the time and I dont know how to fix it
I have my ram on 10GB and still full.
22 Replies
does it increase to 100% slowly before dropping back down
if so this is expected behavior and is just how java manages memory
something you can do to help is use the nightly build from #links-n-downloads if you aren't already
Also use a better jvm and java installation
Azul zulu with either g1gc or gen zgc should help
something like graalvm could be better but takes some setup
Trying to find a Graalvm download is like trying to find deepslate emerald
i found it pretty quickly through intellij but idk about manually installing
So my RAM in minecraft (when i create world) is mayby about 5gigs but when maybe 10minutes past it is on 9 and jumping to 10 and I have lags
Has graalvm enterprise edition been superseded by the normal oracle graalvm?
I saw a github page recommending graalvm ee
i've never used graal outside of intellij i wouldn't know
But at the same time oracle has said graalvm ee is dead
ahh i see
reduce your allocation to 4gb
if you're running a modpack maybe 6 or 8
but for just dh 4gb is enough when using the nightlies
Ok I have some mods so I will reduce it to 6
every time memory usage hits 100%, java's garbage collector will run
ok and thats good or bad I dont really go that deep with java
neither good nor bad, it's a regular thing java does all the time
higher allocations means bigger stutters
yea It says under memory in F3 allocation and I have it on 100%
when I have it on 6GB it stutters less but why?
Expected Java behavior
GitHub - brucethemoose/Minecraft-Performance-Flags-Benchmarks: Sane...
Sane, Benchmarked Java Flags and Tweaks for Minecraft - brucethemoose/Minecraft-Performance-Flags-Benchmarks
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Just a list of useful mods. Contribute to TheUsefulLists/UsefulMods development by creating an account on GitHub.
Outdated a bit
Gen zgc and Shenandoah gc fighting for number 1 spot
But JVM is such an overlooked part of Minecraft optimization that noone really bothers with it
Since noone is gonna need 256 gb of ram for funny block game :clueless:
so can you optimize ram with some mods or this is the only way
Ferritecore is always nice
ok thank you guys for help