just not working?

So i have installed the mod adn everything with it on a vresion of 1.20.1 forge ver 47.2.16, but it jsut doesnt want to work i could be in game and ill set everything in the mod but my render distance is just the normal one set in the normal setting ? im not sure why this is happening, also im nto sure how to share a mod list withought having to type out like 300 mods which will take forever closest thing i can do is send the modrinth pack isntance and you could download it on the app and see there.
12 Replies
majo243w ago
Are you using shaders? /logstored
YAGPDB.xyz3w ago
You should send your latest.log file to provide additional useful information. Logs are located in the .minecraft/logs directory. On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/logs Please upload the file to mclo.gs instead of sending the raw file. This makes reading the contents of the file a lot easier and improves the chances of you getting the help needed. After uploading the file, click on Save and send the link.
Xonio -_-
Xonio -_-3w ago
nope no shaders used here you go
Xonio -_-
Xonio -_-3w ago
i think this is correct
Xonio -_-
Xonio -_-3w ago
yeah so issue with thjat for some reaswson that folder/file doesnt exist in my config folder
Xonio -_-
Xonio -_-3w ago
No description
Puhpine3w ago
its a file send a screenshot of the whole folder
Xonio -_-
Xonio -_-3w ago
i searched for it coulndt find it okay im dumb i found it
Puhpine3w ago
Xonio -_-
Xonio -_-3w ago
thank yuouuu it works noww