LOD Chunks dont load

To be more spesific, I had the lod generator mode on features. it was originally on surface, but i set it to features to get trees to load in the LOD chunks. then, i get this error (in the screenshot) where it then just refuses to load anymore chunks, and tells me to lower cpu usage, which doesnt really make sense. how can i get LOD chunks to load while still being able to use "feature" LOD generator mode?
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11 Replies
Miki_P985d ago
first, have you deleted your old lods? if you didn't the trees will only show on new lods /lodstore
YAGPDB.xyz5d ago
Single Player: - Overworld: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Nether: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM-1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - End: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Custom Dimensions: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIMENSION_FOLDER/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite Multiplayer: - .minecraft/Distant_Horizons_server_data/SERVER_NAME/
Miki_P985d ago
second, you can increase this time limit per chunks from 60s to longer or ignore this or disable this message
Charged Creeper
yeah i did
Charged Creeper
i deleted this one
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Charged Creeper
currently, this is how it looks, like on previously explored chunks, its good, but it doesnt generate new lods. enable distant generation is set to true.
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Charged Creeper
i tried this doesnt seem to work
Charged Creeper
i have these mods, do you think there might be some kind of mod conflict not letting DH to work properly? like i added some mods, and its working less after that, but also working less after i enabled trees in the LOD chunks, prob one of those two things or something else is problem but idk
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Miki_P984d ago
You can install mods: - Noisium - Faster Random - Lithium To make the generation a bit faster and better split the server CPU load /slowgen
YAGPDB.xyz4d ago
If it feels like LoD generation with Distant Generator is too slow: Try increasing CPU Load in Distant Horizons settings for faster generation, but you will experience more lag spikes and stuttering due to heavier workload on CPU. To see if Distant Generator is really working or not: 1) Check CPU usage while in-game, using Aggressive settings of CPU Load. If CPU usage's hovering around 80-100%, the LoDs are generating in the background. 2) Go to DH settings > Advanced Options > Debug > Wireframe, set Enable Debug Wireframe Rendering and Show World Gen Queue to True. Enabling both settings will show you the visualization of world gen tasks queued and working on the map (blue boxes for queued tasks, red boxes for working tasks)
Miki_P984d ago
Also try the second part