lods generate inside loaded chunks that can be seen in transparent blocks
this is much more visible with ender rods or stuff like stairs fence etc

12 Replies
same thing can be seen in beacons

normally DH renders all blocks, even the ones already rendered by vanilla. this can look weird, which is why overdraw prevention exists. It stops DH from rendering closer to the player, approximately where vanilla is already rendering. this is not precise though, so you'll still have cases like this where both DH and vanilla render something at the same time
unrelated question, why are clouds THIS bright
is it that much brighter than normal clouds?

you can see the difference
the clouds look like as if I have night vision
8 render distance fogged clouds

vanilla screenshot^
it looks really odd lol
@James Seibel (GMT-6) are the clouds supposed to be this bright at night?
(I haven't tested anything myself yet)
I can’t reproduce the issue. I assume there’s some light map mod or something that causes that to happen.
night vision effect possibly
I do not have night vision tho