Can't get Distant Horizons to work on NeoForge server

Everything in this works fine except for Distant Horizons, and I have the NeoForge version too. I do get the warning on the main menu about the other Fabric client side mods not working, so if I could stop that issue that would be a two-for-one here. But my main concern is getting distant horizons working. Here are screenshots of both my client side mods. The server loads up perfectly fine until I add in the Distant Horizons mod. Then it won't load at all and crashes out.
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77 Replies
majo246mo ago
So you're trying to put DH onto a server? /serverside
YAGPDB.xyz6mo ago
Distant Generation doesn't work in multiplayer, meaning DH won't be able to generate LODs for chunks outside the vanilla render distance. Instead, as you travel around the world, LODs will be generated for areas you've visited. Putting DH on your server will allow DH to generate LODs for chunks outside the vanilla render distance. You will be able to add DH to your server granted it's running a compatible mod/plugin loader (Fabric, (Neo)Forge, Bukkit and their derivatives) once DH 2.3 is released. If you wish to try the currently unfinished server-side branch of DH, read everything within the pinned message inside this thread: Keep in mind that this branch is highly experimental, do not use it in critical/production environments. When asking for support regarding issues with this branch, do so in the appropriate thread.
majo246mo ago
Oh, that doesn't cover that DH is clientside and currently can't be put onto a server
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
Yeah I know but even when its only in my client side mods it doesnt work. Thats why I included the screenshot of my client and server side mod folders.
majo246mo ago
YAGPDB.xyz6mo ago
You should send your latest.log file to provide additional useful information. Logs are located in the .minecraft/logs directory. On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/logs Please upload the file to instead of sending the raw file. This makes reading the contents of the file a lot easier and improves the chances of you getting the help needed. After uploading the file, click on Save and send the link.
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
From what I can tell all my mods are compatible with that
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
Is that what you wanted?
majo246mo ago
Yea, thats it
Miki_P986mo ago
So you've explored some terrain and the LODs where not created where you traveled? You need Sodium 0.6.0 and Iris 1.8.0 to use DH 2.2.1 /shadersupport
YAGPDB.xyz6mo ago
Distant Horizons and Iris Shader Support Requirements: - DH 2.1 + Iris - Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20.4, 1.20.6, 1.21 - Sodium 0.5.8+ - Iris 1.7.0 - 1.7.3 - Fabric API - A compatible shaderpack: - DH 2.2 + Iris - Minecraft 1.20.1 (wait for iris 1.8), 1.21.1 - Sodium 0.5.8+ - Iris 1.7.5, 1.8, or newer - Fabric API - A compatible shaderpack:
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
majo246mo ago
He is using Iris 1.8 and Sodium 0.6
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
I seee ok
majo246mo ago
Neoforge Instance
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
Do I need different versions for neoforge?
majo246mo ago
You're using the correct versions of sodium/iris
Miki_P986mo ago
[12:46:33] [main/WARN]: Skipping jar. File mods\fabric-api-0.102.1+1.21.1.jar is a Fabric mod and cannot be loaded
[12:46:33] [main/WARN]: Skipping jar. File mods\indium-1.0.35+mc1.21.jar is a Fabric mod and cannot be loaded
[12:46:33] [main/WARN]: Skipping jar. File mods\iris-1.7.3+mc1.21.jar is a Fabric mod and cannot be loaded
[12:46:33] [main/WARN]: Skipping jar. File mods\physics-mod-pro-v171a-fabric-1.21.0.jar is a Fabric mod and cannot be loaded
[12:46:33] [main/WARN]: Skipping jar. File mods\fabric-api-0.102.1+1.21.1.jar is a Fabric mod and cannot be loaded
[12:46:33] [main/WARN]: Skipping jar. File mods\indium-1.0.35+mc1.21.jar is a Fabric mod and cannot be loaded
[12:46:33] [main/WARN]: Skipping jar. File mods\iris-1.7.3+mc1.21.jar is a Fabric mod and cannot be loaded
[12:46:33] [main/WARN]: Skipping jar. File mods\physics-mod-pro-v171a-fabric-1.21.0.jar is a Fabric mod and cannot be loaded
I guess the error is defferent
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
Miki_P986mo ago
But remove those files from the mods folder
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
But I use those mods for my buddy's realm
majo246mo ago
Use a custom launcher Will help a lot with modding minecraft I recommend Modrinth or Prism launcher
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
Ok I'll set up Modrinth, but for now I just would like to resolve this DH issue Sick thanks!
Miki_P986mo ago
Here is how Modrinth looks
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StrayberhamOP6mo ago
Is that pivotal in getting DH to work here? I'm definitely going to set that up regardless, but later if thats ok
majo246mo ago
No, its not needed, but just makes life easier when modding
Miki_P986mo ago
no, you can try it later
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
So what else might I need to do for DH here with Neo?
majo246mo ago
Could you try without physics mod?
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
Sure Remove it from server, client, or both?
majo246mo ago
Client IIrc, it had some issues with Iris or DH
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
Doesnt seem to be working even with physics mod removed To be extra thorough I also removed all physics mod files from the server AND client and still no change.
Puhpine6mo ago
does it work if you just have DH installed?
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
Like remove ALL mods other than DH right? No dependencies there? Ok even with ONLY DH installed (all other mods removed from client AND server), it still does the same thing. I did just try to launch a singel player game with all my mods in tact and it said DH had low memory of like 4gb I think? My server is set to use up to 10gb i believe
majo246mo ago
It crashes upon world join?
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
yeah the client not the server
majo246mo ago
Oh, so when joining the server, it crashes, but on singleplayer the client doesn't crash?
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
Right, but the client says I have low memory for it
majo246mo ago
Shouldn't be causing a crash
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
and it freezes after a second or two and crashes eventually
majo246mo ago
How much RAM do you have allocated? And how much total do you have? Log from without any mods except DH could also be helpful
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
In my server, I have 8GB allocated, and I have 64gb idk about how to set singleplayer ram allocation though
Puhpine6mo ago
what minecraft launcher are you using now? the normal official one?
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
Neofroge through Minecraft launcher
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Puhpine6mo ago
go to installations hover over the instance click the three dots options more options java args or something like that and change xmx2g to xmx8g
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
Ok this is the string I saved, it was 2G -Xmx8G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M Looks good?
Puhpine6mo ago
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
Trying to run it now Ok so now it launches but says "Shader pack failed, Let the developer know." lol
Puhpine6mo ago
weird, never heard that before do you have a compatible shaderpack?
Puhpine6mo ago
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
Just Iris
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
This is my server (top) and client (bottom) mod folders. I thought using ths Iris mod accomplished the shader part?
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StrayberhamOP6mo ago
In my buddy's realm, we just use the iris mod on client side and it works. Same for this server actually. It always worked until now.
Puhpine6mo ago
you need iris 1.8 for DH 2.2.x
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
thats what i have
Puhpine6mo ago
oh right, you have that one, but you also have iris 1.7.3 installed
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
If I launch into my server without DH, Iris works fine yeah that one is for my buddy's realm and its using fabric so that one shouldnt be an issue
Puhpine6mo ago
thats very confusing, doing it like that but, what shaderpack do you have .
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
I dont have any shader packs other than the iris mod in itself i dont have optine or anything like that set up
Puhpine6mo ago
what in the world yeet out the other mods to see if thats the issue just sodium, iris and DH
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
ok That launches but still with the same "Shaders failed let the dev know" message.
Puhpine6mo ago
so what does your mod list look like now?
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
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StrayberhamOP6mo ago
But that worked just as well as before when I had them all still in, with my increased ram allocation for neoforge launcher to be clear
Puhpine6mo ago
yea, so not at all right?
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
No it loads but says the pack failed to load and to let the dev know
Puhpine6mo ago
i have no idea how you can fix the Shader pack failed, Let the developer know. message, id advise asking in the iris discord
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
Let me go verify that everything other than Iris is working here, and go fly up to make sure DH is working, then if thats all true, it's on Iris. But I'll make sure to report back here with a solution if we can get it fixed. If not I'll let yall know what they said. Very surprised that more people dont try to use this combination though
Puhpine6mo ago
people absolutely use this combination, and yet ive never seen anyone with this issue before do let me know the outcome
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
just my luck Oh I tried saying what da heck (acronym) and it blocked it It seems like DH is wokring, but floors/ocean from a distance and a tall height dont seem to load in some areas, Is that common?
Puhpine6mo ago
you probably just need to wait more world generation takes time
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
Oh yeah ok its good now. I thought I fully rendered that area but once I went to it, it loaded and doesnt un-render like I thought it did before. Ok off to the Iris discord! Thanks a TON for your help this far, I'll report back! Ok yall, so all I had to do was disable and re-enable my shaders and it all works fine!
Miki_P986mo ago
Haven't you said you didn't have any shaderpacks? WDYM disable and re-enable
StrayberhamOP6mo ago
Yeah idk when or how it got there. All I know is my buddy said to install iris, sodium, and some fabric api stuff for his Realm, and this all just worked. I never intentionally installed anything into the shaderpacks folder. But apparently I have ComplimentaryUnbound in there.

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