Distant horizon not doing anything

all mods and shaders that i use is compatible with the distant horizon but it still does not do anything, i have re installed it already and it still does not work. please help me, i have set the distance in 800 and its just same as normal render distance of 12
12 Replies
Brussel_sprouts9mo ago
What shader u using Are you using the dh compatible version of bliss?
Puhpine9mo ago
all mods and shaders that i use is compatible with the distant horizon
we've heard that a lot, and a lot of the times that was a complete lie. so tell us all versions please
Miki_P989mo ago
YAGPDB.xyz9mo ago
You should send your latest.log file to provide additional useful information. Logs are located in the .minecraft/logs directory. On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/logs
Ultra F
Ultra FOP9mo ago
i went to the github where i could find the supported shaders of distant horizon and they listed shaderpack like bliss, complentary etc and i downloaded the latest version 1.19.2 and the latest version of bliss shaders bliss
Puhpine9mo ago
this is what i mean. no youre not using the compatible versions if youre playing on 1.19.2 because the compatible versions are not made for 1.19.2 so it was a lie this time as well
Ultra F
Ultra FOP9mo ago
Oh thats weird because i did find it on the github supported shaders and i clicked on bliss and then i went to click on version 1.19.2 but i will try it without shaders and i will tell you if it works alright it does work without shaders but will there be any shader suppotr for 1.19.2 distant horizon ? ? ?
Brussel_sprouts9mo ago
Miki_P989mo ago
Ask Iris/Oculus Oculus I think has a buggy fork for 1.19.2
Puhpine9mo ago
it doesnt. not with shader support at least
Puhpine9mo ago
huh alright didnt know that existed

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