DH saying i dont have enough space

so i join a game and i try to start DH at like 300 chunks it starts fine but then i play the game for a sec and it freezes up after it stops being frozen it gives me two options one is quit to title screen and the other is quit game with the message "you either do not have enough space to run Minecraft or it is not allotted enough space. i clicked quit to title and tried to run the world though it was stuck on the load screen. if someone would help me trouble shoot over a vc i would really appreciate it
7 Replies
That Guy
That Guy5mo ago
Well just allot more ram to minecraft, I can tell you how to do it depending on what launcher you are on
HernOP5mo ago
actually how do you tell how much ram you have in the first place?
That Guy
That Guy5mo ago
Open the f3 menu or look at it in your launcher again depends what launcher you are on as how to do it but you will probably have the default 2gb alloted
HernOP5mo ago
ok im on the reg mc launcher could we vc to help me fix it? wait nvm this server doesnt seem to have a voice channle
That Guy
That Guy5mo ago
Sorry but I can't answer rn
That Guy
That Guy5mo ago
Well either look at the message puhpine linked or go to your minecraft instance then click the three dots then click java arguments and change xmx2gb to xmx8gb or whatever you want to allot (I would recommend something like 4-6gb if you don't have any args to stop stuttering with high amounts of ram)

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