Best practice for preloading chunks on servers
I am running my own server via docker compose with Fabric. I created a new world and could clearly see where the chunks stopped rendering. I tried using chunky to force these chunks to render, but it didn't work. I'm wondering if it's possible to preload these chunks in order for DH to immediately have LODs. I know in the FAQ it says in multiplayer you must physically visit the locations first, but several people have suggested using something like chunky in order to achieve this, but I'm getting mixed messages. I've also heard loading a singleplayer world first, then saving the LODs, then moving the world to a server would work, but I'm not sure what that process entails or if its even possible. I've also heard of a server side fork, but don't know where to get info on this. Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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I managed to find the gitlab wiki for the server side fork, but I'm a bit confused. It says
Open to LAN servers don't work yet
however, the first line in the FAQ says However, this is not necessary if you don't expose MC server to the internet
. Isn't a server not exposed to the internet just LAN?What they mean is the difference between clicking "open to lan" in your game, and running a separate minecraft server. The first is not supported, the latter is
Ah, that's right. I forgot minecraft lets you open a server directly from the client
So no, open to lan is not supported
Aah alright
The fork is working!
Nice! Glad to hear!
I do have a quick question though
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You need to allocate more ram
So it automatically generated out to here. I want to keep loading more, but I set the radius and nothing happened
Doing that right now
Hhmm don't know about that, might be something in the servers config or your config that is limiting you render distance
What do you have the render distance set to on the client?
32 render distance
I just set ram to 24 GB
I've been a bit confused as to how render distance plays into this sort of thing
DH render distance I meant, sorry, but 32 is way too high, turn it down
That's probably too much, try around 12 (although this isn't that big of an issue)
It looks to be loading additional chunks now?
I assumed the radius command would determine how far out to render
But maybe I ran out of ram and the LODs wouldn't create?
The client will only request chunks from the server if those chunks are within the DH render distance
Did you use chunky?
I tried when I wasn't running the DH server fork and it didn't work. I take it that will function now?
Not sure what exactly you're asking
Sorry, I was referring to the
/dhconfig renderDistanceRadius
commandTo edit the config, press the button next to the FOV slider to edit the config.
The config file found in .minecraft/config/DistantHorizons.toml
That is probably the max render distance from which clients can request chunks. To prevent clients from requesting chunks that are for example millions of blocks out.
This entire thing makes no sense to me
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First is version
Second is if you for example break a block. The chunk will need to be updated
Third is self explanatory
But I don't know about the fourth
Ah ok, the queued chunk updates makes sense. But the 4th one seems really important to tell if its rendering or not, but I just cannot comprehend it
The gen tasks is fluctuating around 15
It appears that chunk rendering has stopped. I'll try increasing the dh radius more and see what changes
The more important metrics are found a bit below those in the f3 screen
Like the amount of requests
Hm, ok. So I set it higher, and I see chunks loading in slowly, but I'm not sure which one of these stats indicates completion progress:
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If there are no more requests being made, it is done
So it needs to generate 15 chunks more to complete
In that screenshot
Well the number of chunks continue to increase. That might be due to the rate limit?
Hhmm, maybe the right number doesn't mean total chunks then...
Like I said, I haven't used the server side fork myself so I'm not 100% sure about things
Ah ok, well I appreciate you helping me brain storm it anyway
Glad to see it's utilizing my servers RAM
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That's using a lotta ram