black blocks when setting transparency to complete
When I set transparency to
, I start seeing seemingly random black blocks. This happens with shaders and without. Setting transparency to disabled
fixes it, but I prefer how complete
looks (due to how water looks with shaders). Any ideas to fix this?
first screenshot is transparency set to disabled
(ignore the disappearing chunks, that's not an issue), the second screenshot is transparency set to complete
15 Replies
Fixed in DH 2.1.3
Dh users are racism confirmed!1!1!1!1 /j
and is it normal that DH 2.1.3 isn't compatible with iris anymore?
hang on I might have found the solution myself sorry one second
I did the joke first 😡😡😡 /j
Latest 1.8 iris alpha added support
yea just found that, was too quick to ask for help again my bad
Dh server probably the only discord server where you could have "Fix" and "black" in the same sentence and not get banned
still won't boot up, not really sure what the problem is now, here are the logs:
fixed it, wrong version of sodium
thanks for all the help!!