Ring of failed Overdraw (Shader or DH Issue?)
Version: Forge 1.20.1
DH Version: Tried with latest nightly and stable build (no difference in resolving the issue)
Problem: Chunks failing to generate 8 chunks away from the player (can see through floor)
Sup gamers, so I am running 1.20.1 Forge and I noticed a wee little issue running Bliss Shaders and DH. There is this ring where the ground completely gives in exactly 8 chunks away from my player and becomes noticeable the higher up you go (refer to picture 1 and 4 please). At ground level looking horizontally there is no visual change or bugs, it's perfect. I checked in the bliss shaders and found a setting (please refer to picture 3) which if turned off, disables this visual bug, but instead creates another in which water is completely visible (as in, through the floor, oceans, and rivers) through walls and solids alike when you are standing behind glass.
I also tried using BSL shaders, which gave off the same bug. Please refer to exhibit 1 and 2 to see this bug in action with BSL and DH. Is there anything I can do?
Thank you!

25 Replies
What render distance you set to? The sweet-spot for overdraw prevention with Bliss is around 8 to 12. Anything outside of that can have varying results, as you can see in the images you sent.
my render distance is at a solid 12, I tried changing the render distance to those ranges you recommended as well as outside, and I am still getting this issue
Since you have shaders enabled that means it’s a shader issue not a DH issue. You’ll have to bring it up with the shader dev.
sounds good. This is an issue on Bliss and BSL's end then, both shaders have this issue :/
That looks like DH's overdraw prevention acting up, but I'm not an expert. Perhaps fiddle with the overdraw settings?
yes, I've disabled the overdraw, which did fix the issue, but results in water being visible when you are behind glass/ice. All water, including ponds, rivers, water from caves, and even water underground
im gonna discuss this with the bliss shader dev to see if they can find a solution
So not the overdraw disable in the shader, but the actual overdraw prevention settings in DH. I think it's in the advanced graphics settings?
mb, yeah disabling the overdraw in the shader fixes the issue, adjusting DH overdraw makes little to no difference, but then again, the water bug
here is attached a picture of the water bug:

When a shader is active it takes over the roll of providing overdraw prevention, DH has no control at that point.
huh, learned something new, thanks!
From the Bliss shader dev:

Can you link that message or was it a Dm?
I’d like to talk with Xonk.
Sorry for asking this but what seed/ pre generated world was that?
yes it was in the ShaderLABS server, i really think you two should work together to keep DH beautiful as it is 😁 ,
ask and ye shall recieve 🤣 , I wanted to pick a really pretty seed for this bug thread, here it is:
seed: 1691256543523180978
Version: Any version java/bedrock
Coord: X = 12037, Z= 1383
thx so much!
btw i gotta agree, this seed is so beautiful
precisely why i picked it 🫡
Ok yup, I was right. Overdraw prevention is handled on the shader side, you can see it in the shader menu you sent here.
u have a very good taste
yea, it creates a visual bug with water as shown in the image below the thread, but it seems that Xonk doesn't really have a solution to it, I was hoping you had something that'll fix that
According to Xonk you need to have overdraw prevention enabled to fix it.
My guess is that some depth buffer isn’t being cleared properly but I can’t say.
After looking in shader lab I didn’t even have to ask anything, Xonk had already answered everything I needed to know 🙃
yes, xonk made a ring void to help with this when you enable it in the shader settings, turning it off creates the visual water bug but then again im not a rocket engineer, i thought u two could work together to see what the issue was when this occurs 🥺
will there be any better solutions to these overdraw issues in the future among shaders and DH? 🥺🥺🥺
Not any time soon.
The only solution is to tweak your vanilla render distance. Lower it if your PC can’t load the chunks fast enough, and raise it if the shader has a static overdraw distance and you can see the void.
dang 😔