Crashes immediately on startup.
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47 Replies
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
Errors: No other errors than exit code 6. Mods: Distant Horizons. Multiplayer or singleplayer: Crashes before loading the title screen.
MarijnIsN00B11mo ago
Have you tried deleting the DH config file?
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
Where is it located?
MarijnIsN00B11mo ago
YAGPDB.xyz11mo ago
To edit the config, press the button next to the FOV slider to edit the config. The config file found in .minecraft/config/DistantHorizons.toml
MarijnIsN00B11mo ago
Also have a nice vappu
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
How did you know I'm finnish?
MarijnIsN00B11mo ago
The crash message at the end of your log is in Finnish
MarijnIsN00B11mo ago
No description
MarijnIsN00B11mo ago
If you dont want that shared I'll delete it ofc
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
Deleting the file just made the mod create a new one and crash again.
MarijnIsN00B11mo ago
Weird Do you have an AMD or Intel GPU? Nope a 1650 I see
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
I have a kinda weird setup. My PC has both NVIDIA and AMD GPUs. It should be using the NVIDIA GPU.
cola9876511mo ago
check if problem persists with DH 2.0.4 from #links-n-downloads
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
Here is a clip of me deleting the file and it reappearing.
cola9876511mo ago
deleting the file is only to get defaults it will obviusly gets recreated
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
New build works doesn't work. The one that didn't work was the curseforge 1.20.2 version 2.0.1-a.
cola9876511mo ago
well... it's an old build and new one works so unless it was your revelation only now I see no issue
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
It's the newest on curseforge.
cola9876511mo ago
becasue people were screaming for any DH 2.0 release it's more buggy as you see than anything since and james did not feel like anything is good enough for release
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
Is the nightly release supposed to be on the mod list? Is the file a .zip or a .jar
cola9876511mo ago
inside the zip there is a merged folder, there is the jar you want to use
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
I extracted it from the .zip and tried the forge only version and again crashed Merged also crashed
cola9876511mo ago
ok and if you downlaoded it for correct verion of the gamem then it's interesting and NOW share logs
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
View Paste YgByM - View Paste YgByM
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
Tried the last 1.6.x for 1.19.4 and that works.
cola9876511mo ago
old versions working does not bring anything, especially considering how mcuh changed ahve you tried on MC 1.20.1 or 1.20.4? (with appropriate builds)
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
Not yet. 1.20.4 works also doesn't work on nightly Is there something to do with forge or java on 1.20.2?
cola9876511mo ago
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
On 1.20.2 with java 21 it crashed immediately and on java 17 it froze and had to be completely killed.
cola9876511mo ago
fabric is fine on 1.20.2... so is forge on my machine
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
What forge version are you using?
cola9876511mo ago
48.1.0, current default with MultiMC
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
What java version?
cola9876511mo ago
openJDK 17.0.2
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
Is this something important?
View Paste 1VEJM - View Paste 1VEJM
cola9876511mo ago
I think it's autoupdater I get that too and is not blocking anything
Andro11mo ago
@cola98765 (UTC+1) Is 2.0.4 in the Nightlybuild section? I'm looking for 1.20.1
cola9876511mo ago
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
Tried fabric and that works (1.20.2)
cola9876511mo ago
you scroll down and download the 1.20.1 in currennt day and modding age people suggest fabric over forge unless you you play on a tech modpack that requires forge so if you don't need to, and it works better, use fabric
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
Ok. But there was this in the log: [14:14:15] [main/WARN]: Warnings were found! - Mod 'Distant Horizons' (distanthorizons) 2.0.4-a-dev recommends any version of indium, which is missing! - You should install any version of indium for the optimal experience. This isn't (probably) mentioned anywhere.
cola9876511mo ago
right but indium is a fabric mod and is technically optional, unless you use iris for shaders
actually everyone
actually everyoneOP11mo ago
I tried to install indium because it recommends having it but now i got exit code 255 after installing it's required mods (sodium and fabric api).
Andro11mo ago
@cola98765 (UTC+1) After installing the new vers, getting this error minutes into loading into a world. The game crashed whilst exception ticking world Error: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Method 'boolean, net.minecraft.core.BlockPos,,' must be Methodref constant
cola9876511mo ago
give full /logs
YAGPDB.xyz11mo ago
You should send your latest.log file to provide additional useful information. Logs are located in the .minecraft/logs directory. On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs

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