possible memory leak DH 2.3
turning down the settings with DH only doesn't clear RAM usage back to normal
with DH settings max - 13GB to 16GB used out of 32GB
with DH settings lowest (before max) - 1GB - 4GB used out of 32GB
with DH settting lowest (after max) - 14GB to 17GB used out of 32GB
setting the DH settings back to lowest without distant geneation on (all values had it off) should result in RAM going back to 1GB - 4GB used
24 Replies
It can takecouple minutes for the threads to die and memory to be released
specs are
intel i7 13th gen
linux debian 12 - pika distro
RTX 3050
40GB memory (8 welded) laptop
I will give an update in a couple of minutes
[01Dec2024 16:07:17.203] [Server thread/WARN] [DistantHorizons-com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.generation.WorldGenerationQueue/]: World generator thread pool shutdown didn't complete after [3] seconds. Some world generator requests may still be running.
[01Dec2024 16:07:17.203] [Server thread/INFO] [DistantHorizons-com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.generation.BatchGenerator/]: BatchGenerator shutting down...
[01Dec2024 16:07:17.203] [Server thread/INFO] [LodWorldGen/]: BatchGenerationEnvironment shutting down...
[01Dec2024 16:07:17.203] [Server thread/INFO] [LodWorldGen/]: Canceling in progress generation event futures...
[01Dec2024 16:07:17.203] [Server thread/INFO] [LodWorldGen/]: BatchGenerationEnvironment shutdown complete.
[01Dec2024 16:07:17.203] [Server thread/INFO] [DistantHorizons-com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.generation.WorldGenerationQueue/]: Finished closing WorldGenerationQueue
[01Dec2024 16:07:17.204] [Server thread/WARN] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer/]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 2962ms or 59 ticks behind
yeah lowest settings is still using 14GB - 18GB of RAM
this is after 5 mins waiting
it should have gone back to normal by now
turning off rendering also doesn't fix it
it does reset the RAM going out and then back into the world
so something is not clearing properly
I gues wait for a dev to see this
do you have wilder wilds installed?
this was with DH by itself
no other mods?
nope no other ones, ik right
my guess would be that its related to all the errors its spitting out. but thats no more than a guess
can you look at this
you dont have to ping a dev for this
I thought I'd let him know
Are you on Windows or Linux
linux debian 12 - pika distro
Linux Debian 12 - Pika OS distro, KDE
I've seen a few reports where Linux has memory leaks that aren't reproduceable on Windows.
In that case there's nothing I can do.
That being said, you aren't experiencing a memory leak. A memory leak will crash your computer.
You're just experiencing Java keeping more memory in use then it needs to. This is expeceted behavior, especially if you disabled explicit garbage collection.
how do I reenable explicit garbage collection
You enable it, by not disabling it in GC/JVM flags
Just use the default MC JVM arguments.
If you haven't added any JVM args then I revert back to saying there's something goofy with your JRE.
ah thanks
-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M
I was using this
It should be good
hmm weird because that was all I was using for this issue
so why is garbage collection broken
Here are some sets of flags that I have on hand
You can check if they fix things, but I doubt it
ok I will try it
hey removing those args fixed it