LOD distantHorizons.sqlite file not generating in the corresponding dimension folder in singleplayer

Hey guys, I have a question I am generating LODs of my server map (generated with chunky) in my singleplayer I generated well the overworld LODs. Now Im generating a bit of end and nether. My question is that when in the end, the file located in saves/world/data (overworld) is being increased in side, While when in the server being in the end, it is the file located in the end folder the one increasing in size world/DIM1/data, this is what I think makes sense and what would expect. Do you guys know why in multiplayer the distant horizons files are being generated well (each dimension in their own separate file) but in singleplayer its generating a single file? Thanks!
1 Reply
Puhpine5mo ago
In singleplayer it should also generate separate files. What DH version are you using?

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