it appears that server doesn't sent LOD to the client. what is my problem?

so i have a client. it has distant horizons + complementary shaders, + a bunch of other mods. works fine in single player. really nice. and I have a server. distant horizons + terralith + tectonic. I connect to it via ssh. there is a problem. when new user connects (or when i delete cash in DH server data on user side), only chunks in the render distance are loaded. not DH LODs. Server has 200Mb of LODs. located in worldname/data/*sqlite file. my version is 77aa4773, from december 15, which I downloaded from gitlab. the versions on the server and the client are the same. yet configs might be different because i tampered with them in trying to resolve the issue f3 says: server has full dh support. I expect that when new user joins, he will see thousand blocks away from him. Is it possible? my version is 1.20.1. server is on fabric. not bukkit. any help appreciated! also DM me, i can send you ip. mb it will help.
5 Replies
vasyaOP3mo ago
Also I heard from someone on reddit that you need to pen specific port so mods can communicate with each other, Is it true? I dont think so. because sometimes when I start generating with chunky, some distant LODs are being recieved by my client and are shown. so I have no Idea how to fix that.
Miki_P983mo ago
It is true for older versions of server side DH, for simplicity lets say for versions older then DH 2.3, but this requirement was removed even sooner then that iirc
Puhpine3mo ago
It might just be a case of needing to wait longer. How long did the new user wait?
vasyaOP3mo ago
several minutes. it was not a new user. it was still me omg why no answer still... that's sad(((
Puhpine3mo ago
I have no idea what the problem might be

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