DH water is not transparent
just wondering if thwres a way i can make the water in the distant horizon chunks tranparent to blend better

63 Replies
Enable Transparency in DH settings
Set it to compleate
whats the settings path
ok i found it, thak u sm
DH 2.3 also incorporates blending between DH and vanilla chunks so it will help with the water wall
is 2.3 avaliable for 1.20.1?
i cant see it in modrinth
Yes, in #links-n-downloads as right now it is nightly

is it stable?
2.3 is not released yet
I hadn't had any problem but in theory it is not
okie awesome, rlly apriciate ur help, can u also jjust tell me how to turn on the blending in the new version?
It should be on by default
If you notice entities redering red, switch the blending mode to single pass
omg.... this server has colon three blocked thats insane
i was gonna say, ill send a screenshot when it loads
thank u
that worked
No the bot thinks you said a bad word. It wasn't the :3
idk what i said that flagged the bot
weird lol, fair enough
It should have DMed you with what was blocked
A Screen Shot,
take the first letters
i said s s right next to eachother after a
for some reason in the dev version zooming in makes the sky box grey

There are no LODS...
The sky box is not grey, there is no skybox...
Well, that is new
also my clouds from better clouds are SOLID
also when pressing f1 to remove the hotbar and the crosshair, the sky goes grey too

theres the one with out f1 toggled
it looks clean as heck, but those issues are a little annoying, are they bugs with the dev version?
Try with just DH installed and see if it still happens
idk what i could remove really, maybe my performance mods
im currently testing this all out for a modpack for an smp im gonna launch soon
so the pack is pretty packed
also i found EARTH CURVE

thats the highest it can curve, bit buggy lookin tho
Everything except dh, and see if it still happens
So you know if dh is the culprit or not
i cant tho ittl break the world im testing it in,
as i said im using a modpack with alot of mods
shall i just make a new instance all together?
Make a new world
Or do that yea
okie so im lodaing it up, purley vanilla, no mods what so ever except the nightly buiid
so far the clouds are transparent again and pressing f1 doesnt make the sky grey
alright, so its either another mod causing it, or an incompatibility between two mods
Perhaps an incompatibility between dh and better clouds?
And also dh and maybe embedium
ok so i know the problem
its better clouds and only better clouds
with it, if u tilt your pov up towards the sky it goes from this to this

@Puhpine (GMT +2) so theres something to check off, that the current nightly for 1.20.1 and possibly other updates, and the better clouds mod are not compatible
so with just better clouds installed it doesnt happen?
if better clouds isnt installed, theres no solid clouds or grey sky box and lod errors
but what if only better clouds is installed?
does it still happen then?\
so its a compatability issue
which is unfortunate because better clouds expanding across the LOD chunks looks so nice, when it works...
if it also happens if only better clouds is installed, it is not a compatability issue, its just a better clouds bug
i mean it doesnt do it when distant horizons isnt installed ._.
ooh okay
like heres how they normally look

hhmm yea
like u can see through them and no glitches
where do i find this option
advanced > graphics > render quality > vanilla fade mode
No problem
I want to confirm though, did the entities/item turn red or have you just asked, because why not?
The red bug is still new and information about it is needed
they did turn red
and my hand in first person
im still getting the red hand in single pass randomly

That is important news
Well, there are no more discovered workarounds
So either you ignore it or move back to DH 2.2.1 with no blending :/
awh but i like the blending waaaaa
how new is this blending snapshot exactly
it was added around two weeks ago
ah rite okie
New fix!
Disable Flywheel backend with /flywheel command
(FPS penalty if running Create contraptions are present)
wait so i cant use a fly wheel back end like, at ALL?
you can switch to the stable builds...
Create should still work
But the Flywheel optimized backend at the moment incompatible with DH blending
Disabling the backend will only reduce fps if a lot of contraptions are present
perhaps then ill wait for the full release of 2.3 if its still unstable with create, im trying to make a modpack for an upcoming smp im hosting
yea will do