Extremely distant chunk data?

Using DB Browser for SQLite, I've noticed that for some reason, Distant horizons has data for chunks that are extremely distant. Does anybody know how I can find and delete these chunks in particular, or even find out why it generated? I'm trying to export a journeymap image of all my explored are, and it's scanning an absurdly wide area and crashing every time.
4 Replies
WakanatusOP8mo ago
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WakanatusOP8mo ago
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Puhpine8mo ago
The last error is because you need to allocate more ram to Minecraft. Don't know about the distant terrain though. This terrain that is generated is outside your dh render distance?
WakanatusOP8mo ago
Turns out, somehow, a few chunks got loaded extremely far away. I ended up manually scrubbing the world save files clear of any regions absurdly far away, and it worked just fine. Currently allocating 16GB, But no amount of RAM would have allowed that map to generate fully without crashing

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