How to generate LOD on a server/check progress

Hi ! I have managed to get DH and shaders running on forge 1.20.1 and have a quite long modlist ( mostly embeddium, occulus , continuity etc.. + a few tweaks) I exlusively play on a self hosted server , on the same machine I pregenerated said online wold to 10 000 blocks around spawn with chunky I'd like to generate the lod of that zone , Ihave flown over around 1500 block radius square around spawn but now I get high cpu usage when moving and enormous ram usage all the time(got bigger when flying around ). how to generate lod for an online world and check progress? anything to do to reduce ram usage after?
31 Replies
Puhpine•9mo ago
you can open the world in singleplayer, let all LODs generate, and then move the sqlite file from singleplayer to multiplayer. that wont fix the high cpu usage and ram though, would have to have more info for that /lodstored•9mo ago
Single Player: - Overworld: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Nether: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM-1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - End: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Custom Dimensions: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIMENSION_FOLDER/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite Multiplayer: - .minecraft/Distant_Horizons_server_data/SERVER_NAME/
Miki_P98•9mo ago
There is also #Server side fork It makes the server generate lods and sends them to client
JamesBOP•9mo ago
Thank you , how do you know the lod has finished generating? as for cpu usage it's between 20% (idle) and 80-100% (server also uses a bit) when moving ram oscillates between 13 and 20gb cpu=3800xt gpu=6900xt 32gb ram Also DH render distance is set to 1028 and overall quality is based on the extreme profile
Puhpine•9mo ago
You can see if it has finished by looking at f3. On the right side should be a line "world gen tasks: x/x" if that is at 0/x it is done Cpu load is likely the problem for the high cpu load, try tuning it down. How much ram do you have allocated to minecraft?
JamesBOP•9mo ago
20 GB I am generating in solo now I'll keep you posted on performance and usage after it finishes generating
Puhpine•9mo ago
Probably too much, something like 12 would be better, but it's probably not the root cause of the high cpu load.
JamesBOP•9mo ago
yeah i'll get it down after gen see if it works any better , thank you for your help, you have been very useful so far !
Puhpine•9mo ago
No problem!
JamesBOP•9mo ago
Hey, left the pc rendering for a week on vacation, sadly it crashed smetime during worldgen so still waiting, I'll update when I finish someday 😂
Puhpine•9mo ago
darn, that sucks
JamesBOP•9mo ago
hey so got to finish worldgen I have a 105 GB file , got from 50-90fps with DH disabled to 14-20fps with it enabled bottleneck seems to be gpu compute (6900xt though ) CPu usage doesn't do anything performance wise DH render distance is 1028 and pretty much any setting is set to extreme, I might have to dial it back any idea on where to start? If i change settings does the LOD have to be generated again?
Miki_P98•9mo ago
Start with medium preset If you see any spikes or pillars from floating blocks increase vertical quality to high if you zoom a lot and see the LOD quality dropoff during normal gameplay try quality preset High You can also tune the Noise texture and fog see: see:
JamesBOP•9mo ago
you guys have some of the best discord support I have ever seen, I'll try thanks! ok so I got on the medium profile, got slightly better fps and like 50%of gpu usage but now I got worldgen tasks whan I had finished rendering those so cpu is bottlenecked, is it to be expected?
Miki_P98•9mo ago
If the CPU is a bottleneck because of worldgen tasks you can lower the CPU impact setting in DH setting
JamesBOP•9mo ago
yeah but is worldgen tasks being at 0 than 9000 on game reboot normal? also, I tried but better cpu availability hasn't yielded any more frames even tried disabling distant gen and got back to 40 - 60 fps (20 lows) hello, I tried getting onto my server and it works I do have hardcore fps drops issues when flying or moving in proximity to walls and objects , looks like caching issue as it gets slightly better after a while but I get from 60-100fps down to 15-20 whan going inside my home or flying afar , any suggestion?
JamesBOP•9mo ago
No description
No description
No description
JamesBOP•9mo ago
cpu and gpu usage are around 50% with dh set on medium profile and cpu impact is on minimal I think (does not seem to affect fps as much as cpu usage) ram allocation is 12GB modlist: Mod Sound Volume Options Forgified Fabric API Oculus AmbientSounds Embeddium Just Enough Items Sinytra Connector Architectury API Presence Footsteps The Lost Castle Immersive Aircraft Photon Shader ImmersiveMC ExtraSounds Forge MCPitanLib Vivecraft Sound Physics Remastered ModernFix FerriteCore Dramatic Skys Distant Horizons Saturn BetterF3 Fresh Animations MC VR API Continuity Pumpkillager's Quest Physics Mod Chunky Bushy Bamboo CreativeCore Cloth Config API JourneyMap Polytone Collective Starlight (Forge)
Puhpine•9mo ago
The fps drops are probably because it is loading stuff like LODs. Just turn off shaders, wait till all LODs are loaded (can take some time with a cpu load on minimal) and you should be good. Unrelated: you don't need starlight on 1.20.1. Mojang fixed the lighting engine in 1.20
JamesBOP•9mo ago
Thx I'll try that , after waiting a bit it was playable this morning so I'll update with my findings the end goal is to play my modpack in VR so I'm taking every frame I can get ^^
Miki_P98•9mo ago
Try ImmediatelyFast
JamesBOP•9mo ago
I just added it^^ I'll see on next session how much it helps
CharlZ•9mo ago
Maybe also try without saturn if you encounter Problems
JamesBOP•8mo ago
oh why so? btw thanks to you guys I have managed to get a great experience running on flatscreen, even with a few slowdowns 40 to 120 fps with dh and shaders looks great! for vr though performance is tough with any nice shader but without any dh looks quite bad now that I've lowered the settings, any recommendations?
CharlZ•8mo ago
If you don't encounter Problems it's alright I heard that the mod did weird stuff with forge (in a past version) on the embbedium discord. But if you don't encounter problems it's alright. But I would say ferrite core and modern fix is enough
Miki_P98•8mo ago
Try ImmediatelyFast gave me +30% fps, I have no idea how is it possible, but ModernFix and FerriteCore in not enough It must have fixed some bottleneck
CharlZ•8mo ago
Didn't say anything against immediately fast its beautiful Saturn its mostly for ram usage and is not as good at it as ferrite core (you can run both tho) so if he encountered Problems he should try without it first
JamesBOP•8mo ago
aight, I'll try and see if anything changes W/O saturn any (very light) shader reccomendation fir vr? aight so I think I'm close to closing the issue , deactivating saturn did a bit of stability back at the cost of a bit of ram usage , I think Ill settle on BSL for my VR shader (possibly flatscreen too although I have nice alternatives) I'll post my final settings and modlist as well as screencaps when finishing testing , thanks to all of u !
Miki_P98•8mo ago
Simply Upscaled - Minecraft Shader
A very Vanilla high performance shader with live Texture Upscaling/Filtering and optional shadows. Configurable subtly enhanced vanilla feel.
JamesBOP•8mo ago
tried it, after setting it up so it looks nice it barely gives more fps than BSL which looks way better (on flatscreen, I'll try again in VR) ok so I am asking the vivecraft team because Vr is still unplayable, that's I haven't updated /closed the issue yet
Puhpine•8mo ago
i havent had any issues with vivecraft, just low FPS when running shaders but thats expected with the amount of pixels it needs to render

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