LODs not updating their quality when I move from one place to another
I have all my LODs loaded in my world till upto 512 chunks
But, if I move from one place to another, even on my horse or just walk, the LODs do not update.
The LODs which earlier were of a lower quality stay at a lower quality no matter if I get nearer to them
For example, if I move to a nearby village from my base, the LODs around my base would still be of higher quality and those of the village would be of lower quality, even when I am in the village. What can be the issue and how can I fix it? Is there any way I can speed up this process?
4 Replies
Does it work with a higher cpu load in DH's settings?
Yep, tried it and it's better
Is there any mod recommended to improve this thing?
Not really no
Lithium might help a bit, but probably not enough to notice a difference
Alright, thanks!