incorrectly culled blocks
dh 2.2.0-a - 1.21.1 neo/fabric
iris 1.8 beta 3 for fabric, BSLOriginal_V8.3
zoomify 2.14.0 for mc 1.21
At certain areas, the LOD block faces are incorrectly culled, but i still see the shadow dithering from my shaders. When i disable the shaders, the block faces are culled correctly, however I can still replicate the bug by using zoomify's zoom button
31 Replies
i have already read the faq but couldnt find anything relating to this
i also looked through this channel, and this was the closest post i could find to what i am experiencing. I find it quite odd however, because my client render distance is already set to 8, and even decreasing it to 6 does not solve the problem
if this is not solvable and i need to swap my zoom mod and shaderpack, what alternatives would be good?
this is overdraw prevention, and when shaders are active, they controll the overdraw prevention amount. in this case, it looks like bsl adds too much overdraw prevention. unless bsl has an option to change that in its settings, which i dont think it has, there is not much you can do about it except try another shader
any reccomendations for alternative shaders that look simlar to bsl?
i like complementary and photon. i dont know how similair to bsl those are
i'm messing with complimentary rn coz i read its a derivative of bsl, but so far its laggier even at low preset, and the clouds look weird
hhmm thats unfortunate
does photon work on 1.21?
shaders are not mc version dependent
so yes
ok i'll try that next then
at this rate i'll have downloaded every shader in the compat list xD
question about dh, btw: based on the name "overdraw prevention", i assume the reason why there is this transparent border, is because bsl stops drawing the world at some distance, but dh which bases the rendering off of vanilla render distance, is expecting the draw distance of the shaders to match, which isnt the case for bsl?
if that is the case, why can dh not just have a manual override that sets the dh draw distance to be some amount less than the vanilla render distance?
normally DH renders all blocks, even the ones already rendered by vanilla. this can look weird, which is why overdraw prevention exists. It stops DH from rendering closer to the player, approximately where vanilla is already rendering. normally you can tune this overdraw prevention sphere, but if youre using a shader, the shader is the one responsable for drawing the sphere where DH wont render.
hm so in essence this is basically a bug with bsl then, because shaderpacks not compatible with dh wouldnt have a need to implement an overdraw protection in the first place
it is a bug with bsl in the sense that bsl's overdraw prevention sphere is too large
photon is seeming good, although i do lose about 10fps
any idea why the lighting on this road dissapears when it reaches the lod?
i'm assuming this is the minecraft:light block, although it could be server trickery. I've already removed the minecraft:light block from the lod ignored block csv
same issue without shaders
other light producing blocks are fine
im not sure why thats happening no
hmm i'm getting a similar issue with photon actually
also getting big gaps between vanilla and lod when flying around
That's expected, not much you can do about it
Vanilla chunks don't load in time
isnt there a way to just load more dh chunks?
it seems like it would be controlled by the overdraw distance
Normally you can change the size of the overdraw sphere on dh's settings. But when using a shader, the shader completely takes over the sphere. So if it were to be a setting, it would be a shader setting
But I don't think any shader has that setting
is it possible to combine dh with bobby mod so that the edge of my render distance renders from bobby cache?
The fact that it happens with more than one shader tells me it may be a different problem. Can you try with just DH, shader loader and dependencies?
I don't think so. But I'm not 100% confident
sure, i'll test that some time tmr
ok well i can confirm that bobby mod does infact work with distant horizons
i can tell because the vanilla chunks are loading way faster than they did without
its still a bit jarring because theres a difference between what blocks the shaders & resource pack consider emissive and what dh considers emissive
but i can live with that i guess
it looks like using bobby also fixes the overdraw protection issue that bsl shaders was causing
though you may have converted me to photon. remains to be seen how it holds up in laggier scenarios