DH 2.1.2 - Fabric 1.21 Modded : Crash after several minutes of stable play

I got it running fine on 1.21, but it eventually crashes after a few minutes. It says "The game crashed whilst exception ticking world Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongArrayList.getLong(int)" because "this.wrapped" is null" I will comment the latest.log for those that understand what is going on in the logs. I don't have this issue on my modded 1.20.1 forge setup, so I am assuming there might be a mod that is incompatible that I didn't use in 1.20.1- but there's many and I don't fully understand what the logs mean. I appreciate any help or time spent
7 Replies
Yeshi2w ago
controlify has some stability issue from my experience, can you reproduce this if you disable controlify?
rkdeviancy2w ago
I'll try that out right now
Yeshi2w ago
the crash seems to be from minecraft itself so it's hard to tell from the error alone
rkdeviancy2w ago
It's looking like controlify is the culprit, thank you I'll try out midnight controls and see if that also causes the issue. I appreciate the quick response <3
NikkMann2w ago
lmk if it does, cause I also use midnight and also get random crashes
rkdeviancy2w ago
I'll let you know! Haven't tested it out yet No crashes yet with midnight controls. I gotta play with it's settings though, its default settings dont feel as good as controlify did haha