FPS Cut down

After installing the DH mod for 1.20.1 fabric, my frames got cut down by half (from 100+ frames), to make sure it wasnt just my pc i disabled the renderer but my frames are still cut down to around 40-50 frames I do believe it has something to do with the mod because its sitting at a stable 40-50 fps rather than fluctuating downwards like normal performance issues Any solution?
8 Replies
MarijnIsN00B11mo ago
While generating LODs, your game will be slower You can decrease CPU load and see if that helps Or just disable distant generation to see if thats actually whats making the game lag
vastlysucksOP11mo ago
i did all that, even allocated 10gbs of memory to mc still stuck at that fps the problem is is that it stays there even if i disable the mod
MarijnIsN00B11mo ago
Disable the mod or just disable the rendering inside the mod? Allocating more ram doesnt really increase your FPS, its just to get your FPS stable
vastlysucksOP11mo ago
i did disable it ,its still stuck at 40-50 frames
MarijnIsN00B11mo ago
disable it
What did you disable? The whole mod or just rendering inside DHs settings? Or distant generation
vastlysucksOP11mo ago
the renderer
MarijnIsN00B11mo ago
Disabling the renderer wont also disable LOD generation Try this
vastlysucksOP11mo ago
okay man thank you but overall its a amazing mod going to try it with sildurs shaders hopefully i dont explode

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