batching world generator error
im trying to set up distan horizons using shaders, but before i loaded the shader, when loading the world to test if DH worked, the message "batching world generator error" kept popping up, and i dont fully understand what it means. i got a log of my recent attempt for it to work, and the mods i have installed are DH, Fabric API, Indium, Iris, Noisium, Sodium, and Concurrent Chunk Managment Engine. the shaders i attempted to use, although with or without shaders led to the same error, was bliss shaders, and this was all attempted on a singleplayer world
this is the log i got out of this attempt
3 Replies
Allocate more fam
There’s an out of memory error so that’s prob what’s causing it
thank you so much, ill try that!