DH causing issues with shader lighting inside caves

So I'm using NeoForge, Iris and Sodium on 1.21.4 for singleplayer. Installed Solas shaders and then DH nightly build, enabling DH causes volumetric lighting aspects like shown in the picture to penetrate all blocks. It's visible in forests and behind built walls aswell but most visible in caves. Disabling the rendering inside DH config menu fixes it, tried to troubleshoot for an option that would fix it inside the DH config but couldn't find anything. Any ideas? Haven't modded minecraft in years so tell me if you'd need more information on my modlist etc. Can also provide more screenshots if needed.
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2 Replies
Miki_P982w ago
I doubt DH can do anything about it The shader itself probably need to fix this Do other shaders have the same effect?
SyntaksivirheOP6d ago
took a while to answer my bad, yeah it's only this shader. The modpage said compatible with DH though and it's not a super recent release nvm found the shaders own discord and apparently just doesn't work with DH

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