New lods stop being created?

Not sure what to do. i can see other distant chunks being saved from earlier but any new ones just disappear and dont become lods.
82 Replies
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
does chunky cause that because i read elsewhere that it causes problems like swiss cheesing but new lods are just straight up not being made now lods arent being made at all even in new worlds
That Guy
That Guy7mo ago
Remove chunky as it is not needed and creates many bugs then load up the world and try the second part of what I am posting below /slowgen
YAGPDB.xyz7mo ago
If it feels like LoD generation with Distant Generator is too slow: Try increasing CPU Load in Distant Horizons settings for faster generation, but you will experience more lag spikes and stuttering due to heavier workload on CPU. To see if Distant Generator is really working or not: 1) Check CPU usage while in-game, using Aggressive settings of CPU Load. If CPU usage's hovering around 80-100%, the LoDs are generating in the background. 2) Go to DH settings > Advanced Options > Debug > Wireframe, set Enable Debug Wireframe Rendering and Show World Gen Queue to True. Enabling both settings will show you the visualization of world gen tasks queued and working on the map (blue boxes for queued tasks, red boxes for working tasks)
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
am i able to disable distance generator after some time of stuff loading because its killliiing my cpu lol 100% at balanced i got a i7 12700f btw
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
these pop up and new lods stop being made
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Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
theres no way my pc cant run this, ive done it before with this shader. my regular render distance is at 8 rn too
That Guy
That Guy7mo ago
Can we have latest.log please thanks /logstore
YAGPDB.xyz7mo ago
You should send your latest.log file to provide additional useful information. Logs are located in the .minecraft/logs directory. On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/logs Please upload the file to instead of sending the raw file. This makes reading the contents of the file a lot easier and improves the chances of you getting the help needed. After uploading the file, click on Save and send the link.
That Guy
That Guy7mo ago
Yes you are but this shouldn't be happenning and it would be useful to figure out why it is and how to fix it To disable distant gen go into dh settings and disable both dh world gen and distant generation
Puhpine7mo ago
Can you try with just DH and see if that works?
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
that was without chunky yeah or do you mean just dh and no other mods at all because ik that will work fine most likely
Puhpine7mo ago
Just DH no other mods So that means it could be a mod incompatibility You could try a /binary search
YAGPDB.xyz7mo ago
Try a binary search and figure out which mod is causing it. So disable half of the mods, see if issue is still there, if yes disable half again etc etc until you find the mod that's causing the issue.
i have the same problem Have you found out if it is a mod causing incompatibility?
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
It most likely is but i havent teated yet @Puhpine (GMT +2) @That Guy (GMT+12) so i think whats going on is that minecraft isnt using hardware acceleration. all processes are falling onto the gpu causing it to hit 100% instantly even without dh. i tried everything to connect javaw.exe to my gpu for hardware acceleration but its not working. any ideas? For some reason minecraft refuses to use hardware acceleration. ive selected javaw.exe for higher performance in windows settings (after windows 10 update 21h0 nvidia doesnt control what programs use the gpu) i am at a dead end here and dont know what to do
That Guy
That Guy7mo ago
Check if your gpu drivers are up to date Dh wouldn't care about that though because it is mainly your cpu that dh uses
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
it DOES matter because minecraft is running on ONLY my cpu now it is not trying to run on my gpu at the moment for some reason
That Guy
That Guy7mo ago
wait so your gpu isn't really being used now
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
i never have seen this issue before yeah
That Guy
That Guy7mo ago
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
my cpu is at 100% while my gpu is like at a 32 or lower
That Guy
That Guy7mo ago
Do you use any special jvm arguments?
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
like in the installation settings?
That Guy
That Guy7mo ago
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
-Xmx10144m -Xms256m -Dminecraft.applet.TargetDirectory="C:\Users\Samuel\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\test" -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true -Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -Duser.language=en -DlibraryDirectory="C:\Users\Samuel\curseforge\minecraft\Install\libraries" all i changed was the max ram to 10 gigs
That Guy
That Guy7mo ago
Those aren't your jvm arguments
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
No description
That Guy
That Guy7mo ago
You have some funny jvm arguments then becuase here are mine for 1.20.4
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Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
are you using java my jvm arguments have always been short
That Guy
That Guy7mo ago
Yea those are mine to stop stuttering with high amounts of ram yours shouldn't be that long unless you use like 12gb of ram
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
i dont sooooo now what because this is not a dh problem anymore it seems
That Guy
That Guy7mo ago
Yea it isn't well I don't think it is if your cpu usage is high even without dh
Puhpine7mo ago
Did you plug your monitor into your motherboard or into your gpu?
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
gpu using display cable
Puhpine7mo ago
Then that can't be the problem Also, processes can't just fall onto the gpu. Something is meant to run either on the cpu or gpu
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
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Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
thats what hardware acceleration is minecraft can use a dedicated gpu its standard for laptops with it and it was working as such the last time i played a ton my gpu would be at constant 80%-100% from shaders alone but now its 30s and lower its just not computing anything through my gpu
Puhpine7mo ago
Yes, but something is still written to be hardware accelerated by the gpu. You can't run gpu processes on the cpu
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
thats not the issue and technically you can actually with a beefy enough cpu or mild enough graphics stuff
Puhpine7mo ago
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
integrated graphics is run from 1 cpu there is no seperate processor
Puhpine7mo ago
Yes, but that's still a gpu
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
no it isnt there is no gpu its just the cpu that also handles graphics
Puhpine7mo ago
integrated graphics is also called the igpu, the integrated gpu. It is a separate die in the cpu
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
anyways back on topic i know for a fact my pc can handle more because it has in the recent past the cpu should not be peaking like this ever for mc
Puhpine7mo ago
How much ram did you allocate?
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
Puhpine7mo ago
What is your cpu load on DH's settings
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
the lowest but even without dh i get the same performance its irrelevant
Puhpine7mo ago
Oh alright
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
this is no longer a dh problem thats what im trying to say lol
Puhpine7mo ago
What other mods do you have
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
mods are irrelevant as well this issue occurs in vanilla too
Puhpine7mo ago
Oh That's weird
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
i already tested and concluded that none of my mods are causing this
Puhpine7mo ago
You could try making a new instance and see if the problem still occurs
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
despite f3 saying i have 100fps thats just blatantly wrong ? like redownload minecraft?
Puhpine7mo ago
Oh, you're using the normal minecraft launcher? What does the fps bar tell you? Is it spiky?
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
right now i am. this look right to you fam?
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Puhpine7mo ago
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
not using the bar. just see the fps count
Puhpine7mo ago
What render distance are you running?
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
15 this is one of the better intel chips too, ive never had such a bad experience on minecraft before recently
Puhpine7mo ago
It's pretty good yea, it should be capable of more
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
like it has been buttery smooth even with shaders and a ton of fabric client side mods before i think my mc might be corrupted ill just do a clean install and pray it works
Puhpine7mo ago
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
do you know if i need to uninstall old versions manually? like i want to export my modpack and then wipe mc off my pc no saves, nothing
Puhpine7mo ago
Dont forget to also remove the .minecraft folder, not just the launcher
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
yeah yeah ik
Puhpine7mo ago
Is the modpack just a list of mods or does it also has overrides and fixes and stuff?
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
i used to work at a pc repair shop and am in college for cybersecurity and networking, focusing on data, storage, and infrastructure i can handle windows decently but this is some bs all of the above. but its mostly just vanilla improvement stuff and performance stuff. think new biomes, generation, sound physics, particle effects, etc. no new items or blocks or mobs i wanted to make a vanilla+ pack focusing on exploration its pretty decent so far but i want to run mc better than this because ik my pc can
Puhpine7mo ago
I don't know how you can backup a modpack, so I can't help you with that
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
you can export them to share yeah thats all i need ill just reimport it after a clean install ok so i think the main issue that IS dh related is far distance lods but the game still feels crunchy from stutter
Puhpine7mo ago
What do you mean?
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
distant generation
Puhpine7mo ago
Does it not work? Is there another issue?
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
Destroys my frames and causes stuttering I still think mc isnt utilizing enough gpu tho Hm
Puhpine7mo ago
That is typical for distant generation yea Especially if you have a high cpu load in DH's settings That is not how it works
Samuel_1210OP7mo ago
when i was using just shaders alone a while ago, my pc would use like 70-90 percent gpu usage the gpu being at like 30 or lower now doesnt seem right
Puhpine7mo ago
Yes, but now with distant generation working in the background, your cpu can't deliver as many frames to the gpu, resulting in a lower gpu usage You're cpu bottlenecked
That Guy
That Guy7mo ago
It is because integrated graphics actually still run multiple calculations simultaneously which is what a gpu is for I used to have a bottleneck when playing any game but mainly sotr but it was obviously cpu bottleneck as my cpu was an amd fx6350

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