155 Replies
I'm trying to read it but my brain fails to comprehend it

I think the icon not showing up has something to do with the indium thing
using indium-1.0.25+mc1.20.1
I should just be able to take the files that are working on my server and put them in the mod folder on my computer and have it work
close the game. open up ur config folder and look for DistantHorizons.toml set
optionsButton = true
you probs got it to false
use indum version 1.0.30+mc1.20.4
it works for 1.20.xModrinth
Indium - Versions
Download and browse 35 Indium versions. 4.07M total downloads. Last updated Feb 6, 2024.
yeah still not showing up

omg wait 1.0.30 is already in there
you have two coppies
delete one
no i did still not working
even removed the parenthesis

you would think it would work cause I already had it lol
this is really not a DH problem.... but i dont mind trying to help anyways..
are you modding manually or using a mod manager?
youre asking for headaches
I was getting headaches modding with launchers lmao
what one?
I use modrinth, because from what ive been told. they pay and treat their mod makers better... some mods arent on modrinth and youll have to manually add them to curseforge. Curse has more mods but their platform isnt as good. its more stable as they have been around longer. but its kinda like mcdonalds (curse) vs your local mom and pop burger place (modrinth)
CurseForge - the home for modding communities
CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. With over 800 million mods downloaded every month and over 11 million active monthly users, we are a growing community of avid gamers, always on the hunt for the next thing in user-generated content.
Modding manually is "fine" but you need to be a LOT more involved in what you are doing.. using one of those two launchers will give you a "just works" experience if you keep things simple
hey if there's a best way to do something I'm down to do it, but needs a standard for it when you do go to install something
yeah exactly
oh I already have modrinth xD
you can search for a mod, click download. and unless you have incompatible mods or missing dependencies (they usually download automatically) it will just work
and it manages installs for all the different versions?
when you create an instance you select the game version and 99% of the time it only shows you mods that are listed for that version
sometimes mod makers will miss tag their mod. and leave it in the description so if something you want is missing its worth looking at the website version instead of the app
I just use prism launcher. It can pull mods from modrinth or curse forge
But keep in mind beta mods like the shader compatible versions of DH won’t show up so you still have to manually install those
ive been told to try prism but i havent had the time to learn it so i dont suggest it. but ive only heard good things about it
I'll install it and keep it in the backpocket lol
It’s just a better version of MultiMC
What error does it give now?
i think modrinth is the easiest to use
let me check
their layout is super user friendly
from what I see there aren't any errors
just telling me to upgrade my graphics driver but it was all just working a couple days ago
cant hurt to try
yeah will do that after testing modrinth
yeah wth even with this

And you tried deleting the DH config?
I have not
Try that
Looking at your logs it looks like DH is being detected

too late already done lmao
deleted the config and still not showing up
its speedy
did you start fresh with modrinth
Actually nvm
I think I read the wrong thing
Yeah I did
It’s not being detected
Yeah I'll update gpu drivers
is the game still not launching with modrinth?
it's definitely launching but DH not showing up

you dont have DH installed
you added the folder
you need to add the jar
thought I had to drag in separately?
you downloaded NightlyBuild_1.20.1-294685df-2024-05-10T07_05_40-05_00

hit the drop down and hit add from file
then add the DH jar
DH is on modrinth but the beta jar isnt
need the beta jar if you want to run DH with iris (shaders)

your computer hates you
dude you're telling me it absolutely does
1.20.1 yes?
this error is still screaming at me
latest nightly just doesn't work I think
prism doesn't recognize the mod as being a mod and it won't work for me either
well like the mod is in the mod list for prism but there's no version number or icon
what is nova lib for?
i have it working so idk why you guys arent
if you download it right now and use that jar it works for you?
using the one i downloaded yesterday
idk try the one from tonight
maybe it changed
it is missing the forge folder too
so might just be messed up
that is wild lmao
I'll try the one from my server again
get rid of whatever nova lib is
the one from my server went in

An older version of 2.0.3 works for me but changing it to the latest nightly makes it stop detecting it
Chunky - 1.3.146
Distant Horizons - 2.0.4-a-dev
Fabric API - 0.92.1+1.20.1
Indium - 1.0.30+mc1.20.4
Iris Shaders - 1.7.0+1.20.1
Sodium - mc1.20.1-0.5.8
Tectonic - 2.3.4
WorldEdit - 7.2.15+6463-5ca4dff


latest nightly just broken ig
its probably not its faulty
id bet one of the other mods updated
I can run an older version of DH by itself and it works
like no other mods
but the newest one isn't being detected
by itself
Pipelines · James Seibel / Distant Horizons · GitLab
This is a mod that adds a Level Of Detail (LOD) system to Minecraft. This implementation renders simplified chunks outside of the normal render distance allowing for an...
grab the latest one in the pipeline instead
nightly build link grabbed the broken one
thanks so much everyone
rare instance where it isn't user error
do you plan on running shaders?
was really pulling my hair out thought i was being stupid lmao
BLS looks good with DH. havent tried others but for a long time it was a hit or miss depending on the shader
Personally recommend photon
some are better than others for lighting
some used to be really bad at night time
yea gonna try them all and experiment, complementary latest patreon apparently plays nice, can't wait to try that
bliss with floodfill lighting kinda dope

BLS was the only one that looked good at night and Complementary was the only one that looked good in the day but i havent tested them recently
lookin sexy
id say bliss + floodfill and complementary + floodfill are the best
i just love colored lighting
kuda was the best shader in its time
What's floodfill?
it was the first to have custom screen effects for dif dimension back in 1.5
there's a new one OPAL looks solid too
pulling out off my butt, but my understanding's a voxelization technique for colored lighting
ebic bot
A word not allowed
ah ok
i like Insanity Shader but im a depressed booty bish so that might just be a me thing
Insanity looks like it could be cool for a zombie apocalypse / horror themed modpack
I'm gonna check out any shaders ya'll recommend haha
So tectonic is okay. it makes the world bigger... but to me it feels empty. its nice to look at but its not nice to play it
i would recommend you look at William Wythers instead
that's why I'm gonna add valkyrien skies so I can build vehicles and fly and stuff lmao
it makes biomes bigger. and they are nicer than the vanilla but they arent so huge that it takes you 15 mins to get to the next biome
I use terralith and tectonic together

more screenshots of that
if you guys playing tectonic, edit config file to make the most out of it
yea i realized after generating everything lol
new wolrd
it's a good thing I back up my minecraft worlds
yeah everythings backed up like 3 times because I forget where something is and copy the backup xD

i use the following
William Wythers' Expanded Ecosphere
William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld
Regions Unexplored
YUNG's API (and all of his structure mods)

god dang lol
thats with BSL shaders
also look at Small Ships & Immersive Aircraft
valkyrien skies works with sodium 5.0+ now
and create:interactive and clockwork so I'd check those out
yeah that's what I had on the server the other day

Yeah clockwork and create is forge
I have an instance that's forge I can't wait to mess around with too but fabric runs so much smoother
then again my buddy has like 300mods on forge xD
and if you really wanna go crazy there blink. check out the physics mod
Snow Sled
we keep this server christian appropriate
They all have fabric versions
it's like minecraft is the game I always wanted it to be lmao
BLS, small ships mod and physics mod
before you launch the game.....
if you download physics....
turn off block physics
if blocks are not supported they will all fall
its fun and games when you cut down a tree
where is block physics?
its not fun when you cut down your house
last setting i think
launch game, dont enter world. open up physics settings and turn block collapse off
Immersive Portals is awesome aswell but it doesnt work with physics mods ocean and snow physics
and it used to have trouble with iris. you needed a specific version. its fun... but personally i choose the physics mod
do valk skies and physics mod play together well?
i think they are fine
havent tried
from their discord
Mod incompatibilities:
- Optifabric
- Immersive Portals (liquids, ocean and snow gets automatically disabled)
- Farsight (use Hold That Chunk instead)
- Chunks fade in can cause entities to be invisible
- More Babies
- Animatica (causing some Ragdolls to not work)
- Fresh Animations (causing some Ragdolls to not work)
- More Culling (causing visual artifacts with snow, dynamic blocks -> solution: disable "Blockstate culling")
- Rotten Creatures (incompatible with Ragdolls)
- Raise Sound Limit Simplified (causing a crash, disabling weather might help)
- Vivecraft causing oceans (when ocean physics are enabled) to turn invisible
wtH is more babies xD
baby piglins. blazes. endermen ect

just a list of mods i use not all of them work together without some tinkering in config files but they are all worth looking at
625 mods in that list ive hand tested
they all make the game better looking (IMO)
Look at Better Combat
I am so freaking stoked lmao thanks for the list
Overworld Mirror is cool. you can use a portal to get to a world that is really similar to the overworld but with slight changes
like the terrain with be slightly different. operates the same as the overworld, same mobs and loot
oh so like variations?
yeah its kinda like the metaverse for mc
no new blocks or creatures
easy to forget what world you are in
super trippy with immersive portals
right xD you go into a parallel dimension by accident and like the trees are 2mm taller xD
you can build portals that take you to the "other side" and not even realize you walked through them
Better nether and better end are both great
Aquamirae is great
small but good
Do a Barrel Roll is cool. takes some getting used to but def worth trying
anyways, im gonna head to bed. have fun never getting to play minecraft again because you always find a new mod to try instead of actually playing
So freaking true, it feels like that every day, I set something cool up, it takes all night so I go to sleep. Then the next day there's some other problem (huge rabbit hole that takes ages to figure out) xD
I don't think Indium and Sodium do anything on the server
again thanks for all the help last night guys, this is the only way I want to experience minecraft now xD

Only problem is that Create: Interactive contraptions are incompatible with the Ocean Physics, sadly..
Otherwise, Eureka, a simple add-on to VS that adds basic ship assembly and controls, works quite fine
Oh, that might be interesting
Also you should probably mark the thread as solved via the
Mark as Solved
app on the solution message:this:
Did mention that, but I do wonder if you have experience- Would there be a setting worth experimenting?

all of em
the description should be self-explanatory
But I meant if you had any pointers, sorry- Anyhow