Seus HRR 2.1 DH patch, plus other Shaders don't work with DH

Hi guys, I am trying the new Seus Patch that allows it to work with DH but the shader just doesnt load, same with shrimple actually. anyone know fix? the shadder works when I disabled DH. what does work is the complementry shaders, also Noble worked for me. anyone knows fix? tnx very much
11 Replies
dragonorpOP4mo ago
Miki_P984mo ago
YAGPDB.xyz4mo ago
You should send your latest.log file to provide additional useful information. Logs are usually located in the .minecraft/logs directory. On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/logs Please upload the file to instead of sending the raw file. This makes reading the contents of the file a lot easier and improves the chances of you getting the help needed. After uploading the file, click on Save and send the link.
That Guy
That Guy4mo ago
What patch are you using, because last I checked seus hrr doesn't work with dh.
dragonorpOP4mo ago supposed to work like I seen in youtube (hodilton newest vid) but shrimple also doesnt work so I think the issue doesnt stem from the patch itself
GitHub - GeForceLegend/SEUS_PTGI_GFME: Release and issue tracker fo...
Release and issue tracker for SEUS PTGI GeForceLegend's Modified Edition, a deeply modified version SEUS PTGI - GeForceLegend/SEUS_PTGI_GFME
dragonorpOP4mo ago this is the log of me entering game with rethinking voxels working with DH, swapping to seus with DH still working, turning off DH, reloading shader it works now, turning back on DH shader stop working.
Vanilla Client Log [#X9RTLzn]
3218 lines | 72 errors
dragonorpOP4mo ago
managed to get shirmple working by resetting custom settings. maybe a specific seus shader settings ( which was also anabled on shrimple ) conflicted with DH.
Puhpine4mo ago
So just to clarify, shrimple works now? But seus does not? In that case it's probably an issue with the seus shader. To make sure that is indeed the case, also try another shader like complementary or bsl
That Guy
That Guy4mo ago
Have you tried to delete the seus settings file
dragonorpOP4mo ago
will try rn K yeah got it to work, I reset the settings and it worked then raised them one by one, seems to be thst the smooth rain setting bricks the compatibility ahahha how random
That Guy
That Guy4mo ago
Nice finding, could you please mark this issue as solved.

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