General help with the mod

How do I know when the LODs have finished generating? And what settings would y'all recommend for my specs: Ryzen 7 7700X 32GB DDR5-6000 CL32 RAM RTX 4070 SUPER Curseforge MC RAM Alloc: 12GB Mods (Fabric): Performance - Sodium, Noisium, ModernFix, Indium, FerriteCore Terrain - Terralith, Tectonic, DH Are there any settings I should be changing? I keep hearing different claims on whether Chunky should be used to pregenerate worlds or not and I can't tell what to do. How do people know when DH is finished rendering? What I do is set CPU setting to the max level, rendering distance at 256, graphics at medium, and then sit in one place and it just seems to never finish rendering. Once it's done I assume I'd set it back down to low impact CPU and lower render distance???
22 Replies
Miki_P98•5mo ago
/chunky•5mo ago
Chunky is known to cause LODs to turn into swiss cheese and bloat up world size, as can be seen in the attached screenshot. We recommend you enable "Distant Generation" in Distant Horizons' settings and wait. If you actually want to pre-generate vanilla chunks along with LOD data, disable Distant Horizons, wait for chunky to finish, then re-enable Distant Horizons.
Miki_P98•5mo ago
Chunky is also ~35% slower then DH generator /slowgen•5mo ago
World generation in general is quite slow, if you want to speed it up: Install Noisium and Faster Random, these mods can improve generation speed by a couple percent. Make sure to remove the C2ME mod as it significantly slows down DH chunk generation by up to 35%. Increase CPU Load in Distant Horizons settings for faster generation, but you will experience more lag spikes and stuttering due to heavier workload on CPU. To see if Distant Generator is really working or not: 1) Check CPU usage while in-game, using Aggressive settings of CPU Load. If CPU usage's hovering around 80-100%, the LoDs are generating in the background. 2) Go to DH settings > Advanced Options > Debug > Wireframe, set Enable Debug Wireframe Rendering and Show World Gen Queue to True. Enabling both settings will show you the visualization of world gen tasks queued and working on the map (blue boxes for queued tasks, red boxes for working tasks)
Miki_P98•5mo ago
In F3 there are LOD building tasks and similar, if it hits 0/X it is done
aawabbitOP•5mo ago
O huh, what does it mean if it keeps saying like 12/5000 intermittently? It hits 0/X and then goes back up and back down Is it just continuously queueing more and if it does that then it's telling me it's not done yet yeah?
Miki_P98•5mo ago
That it is not done yes
aawabbitOP•5mo ago
Figured gotcha, my fps kept going haywire even after i thought it stopped but it seems it didn't. What kinda settings would you recommend for general play? I.e not pregenerating anything cuz I saw that doesn't work past vanilla render dist on multiplayer I feel like I'll just be stuck having endless stutters and terrible fps on the settings I currently have 😔
Miki_P98•5mo ago
I play with CPU load agressive, RD of 128 to 512, and quality preset medium and vertical quality high Most people play with CPU load on low/minimal/balanced
aawabbitOP•5mo ago
What r ur specs if I could ask? Wondering if I could get decent performance at 1440p(120+fps possible?)
Miki_P98•5mo ago
RTX 4080, 13900K, 64 GB RAM, 24 allocated, 3440x1440, 24-48 fps with shaders (x2 from LS frame gen), over 165 without shaders, RP resolution 256 + sky + custom models, 245 mods
aawabbitOP•5mo ago
Oop soz bad words, tyvm for the specs and fps ranges tho Helps a lot
Miki_P98•5mo ago
If you are willing to pregenerate the LODs, even Rasbery Pi can run stable over 60 fps with shaders on low quality presets
aawabbitOP•5mo ago
Isn't it not possible in multiplayer(without the nightly build thing)? Could've sworn I read that somewhere
Miki_P98•5mo ago
In multiplayer yes /server•5mo ago
Distant Generation doesn't work in multiplayer, meaning DH won't be able to generate LODs for chunks outside the vanilla render distance. Instead, as you travel around the world, LODs will be generated for areas you've visited. In the next update, DH 2.3, you will be able to add DH to your server granted it's running a compatible mod/plugin loader (Fabric, (Neo)Forge, Bukkit and their derivatives). This will allow the server to generate LODs and send them to the client, making distant generation possible on multiplayer. If you wish to try 2.3 early, read everything in this thread: Keep in mind that this build is still experimental, we do not encourage using it on large servers until further testing.
aawabbitOP•5mo ago
Skimmed it real quick, seems like copying the world over to single player and then pregenerating and importing will do the trick?
Miki_P98•5mo ago
It should work, yeah
aawabbitOP•5mo ago
Id be willing to do that but it may take a few hours for the whole world I assume 🥲
Miki_P98•5mo ago
/lodstored•5mo ago
Single Player: - Overworld: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Nether: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM-1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - End: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Custom Dimensions: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIMENSION_FOLDER/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite Multiplayer: - .minecraft/Distant_Horizons_server_data/SERVER_NAME/
aawabbitOP•5mo ago
Gotchu thx a bunch for the help I'll see what happens w balanced + 128 + medium graphics w my friends and if it gets too laggy I'll just pregenerate over a weekend or smth

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