90% CPU usage but nothing actually happening

Title Mod list included Enabled debug settings, can see "working tasks" in the distance but they stay that way for very very long
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18 Replies
Brussel_sprouts4mo ago
Terrablender, quark, reterraforged, regions unexplored Ofcourse it's gonna be slow What's your specs And lod chunk render distance Also noisium doesn't really help with reterraforged if I'm not mistaken
Church4mo ago
I5 10400f + RTX 3060, I made almost this same modpack on Fabric and it’s doing just fine on there Testing again without the biome mod, going a lot faster Also after a restart of my pc
Church4mo ago
Forgive me for the phone camera pic but this is after about a minute of being in the world, I’d say the chunk generation speed is acceptable now
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Brussel_sprouts4mo ago
Lod chunk render distance?
Church4mo ago
I have it cranked up to 1000 right now
Brussel_sprouts4mo ago
Try increasing the cpu load on the settings Oh wait
Church4mo ago
That’s on highest
Brussel_sprouts4mo ago
90% Don't use the whole cpu option, only aggressive I think the ipaidforwholecpu option is unstable It really takes a long time Cus 1000 chunks
Church4mo ago
Just checked I do have it on aggressive Thought I had it on the other That’s something I changed in my new test Gonna try re enabling the biome mod and seeing how fast that goes with that setting changed I also disabled ferrite core, memory leak fix, and canary to see if they were possibly having some kind of inverse effect Idk why they would
Brussel_sprouts4mo ago
They don't affect world gen, But canary might have a problem Since it's a fork of lithium
Church4mo ago
I’ll try it with only the other two then Yeah it’s back to being slow again, think I might just have to suck it up if I want to play with a biome mod lmao
Brussel_sprouts4mo ago
I think biomes have a hard time generating in rtf
Church4mo ago
Rtf is kind of like, a necessity for whenever I play minecraft lmao I really dislike normal generation. Afaik there aren’t really any mods similar to it I’ve been recommended tectonic but that one still feels kind of noisy I like terraforged’s smoothness
Brussel_sprouts4mo ago
Try big globe It's a little funny tho Cus worlds are 2042 blocks high
Church4mo ago
Caves look insane on that I’ll check it out
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