New chunks won't save their LoDs.

I have encountered that all new chunks i enter won't stay loaded. Only chunks i had already had loaded before appear. but all new chunks won't save. Any idea on why this could be? i am on a server running 1.19.2 with 130 mods. havn't seen anything about it from the console or error messages in chat either, and have tried setting CPU load to it's highest. here are some pics for an example and also the mods.
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53 Replies
Puhpine3mo ago
Can you try setting cpu load to the highest, your vanilla render distance to 2-4, then seeing if new chunks you explore get saved?
DariusOP3mo ago
Alright. I'll try doing that Any other thing i should do like breaking blocks or something? No. Didn't work sadly.
DariusOP3mo ago
Here's a pic for reference.
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DariusOP3mo ago
Doesn't seem to work sadly.
Miki_P983mo ago
YAGPDB.xyz3mo ago
Distant Generation doesn't work in multiplayer, meaning DH won't be able to generate LODs for chunks outside the vanilla render distance. Instead, as you travel around the world, LODs will be generated for areas you've visited. In the next update, DH 2.3, you will be able to add DH to your server granted it's running a compatible mod/plugin loader (Fabric, (Neo)Forge, Bukkit and their derivatives). This will allow the server to generate LODs and send them to the client, making distant generation possible on multiplayer. If you wish to try 2.3 early, read everything in this thread: Keep in mind that this build is still experimental, we do not encourage using it on large servers until further testing.
Miki_P983mo ago
Only chunks you have explored will be saved as LODs It is normal If you mean that chunks you have explored stopped saving as LODs then there is a problem Try placing and/or breaking couple blocks in chunks that don’t want to save Having max CPU load while doing so
DariusOP3mo ago
No that's the problem new chunks i explore don't get saved. And i don't know why. Yeah this
Miki_P983mo ago
DariusOP3mo ago
It's new chunks i go to and then have explored. do not get saved. Atleast from what i can tell.
Miki_P983mo ago
wdym by new chunks? When do the chunks transition from new to old and get saved? At some point all the chunks had to be new... .
DariusOP3mo ago
Hmmm. by that i mean i had some already loaded before the problem occured, i hadn't loaded any in some days. then i went to go scout a bit. found some unloaded chunks, i go in and out of the chunk but no new loaded chunk stays loaded in the LoD. and i don't know why. the chunks won't save i think. only render with vanilla render distance. Also i'll try again to make them update with this Doesn't work.
Puhpine3mo ago
could you try with only DH?
DariusOP3mo ago
Like only havin that render? Well now only LoDs render.
DariusOP3mo ago
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DariusOP3mo ago
Here's what that looks like. don't think it's correct.
Puhpine3mo ago
no i mean with only DH installed
DariusOP3mo ago
I can't do it on this world as it's on a server. and isn't mine. but i can test it on a different modpack with only it installed. Well seems to work in a singleplayer world on the modpack. i'll now try it out on a diffrent modpack with only Distant horizons.
DariusOP3mo ago
Ok went to a modpack and only had distant horizons installed. is this what you meant?
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Puhpine3mo ago
kinda it looks like its working fine there at least
DariusOP3mo ago
Yes. it does seem.
Puhpine3mo ago
and did you test with the same modpack but in singleplayer?
DariusOP3mo ago
Puhpine3mo ago
i dont know then, sorry
DariusOP3mo ago
It worked there to. Wait Could it be because i inserted the save file in?
Puhpine3mo ago
what do you mean?
DariusOP3mo ago
Like i inserted a file of the LoD data i had as i switched pc.
Puhpine3mo ago
shouldnt matter
DariusOP3mo ago
Puhpine3mo ago
but you can try making a backup of it and then deleting it seeing if it works then
DariusOP3mo ago
True I'll give that a shot. I also still have the old save file i transported over. Ok. Well deleting the fil and joining seems to make it work. Now i'll try to re insert it and load back in and see if that has made it somehow work. Well.... The save still has the same problem. But it atleast seems to not be a problem with the mod but the save. I'll try and load an older save.
Puhpine3mo ago
odd, very odd
DariusOP3mo ago
I can try and send the save itself. Something must've happend to it.
Puhpine3mo ago
i dont have the time atm to test it
DariusOP3mo ago
Alright. Hopefully the older one works. Shouldn't lose much thankfully. if it does. Well. Good news. The older save works. it load the chunks in LoD Also where would i put the broken save file if someone were to want to have a look at it and try to see why it won't make any new LoDs?
Puhpine3mo ago
with save file you mean a save file of a minecraft world right?
DariusOP3mo ago
No i mean the DH folder Server folder. Yeah the Distant_Horizons_server_data folder.
Puhpine3mo ago
yea you can send that here if you dont zip it or smth
Miki_P983mo ago
Or preferably only the folder of that one server and not whole Distant_Horizons_server_data
DariusOP3mo ago
Well it only has the data for that one server so all good. Just one problem. it's 4.47GB big. Just one problem. it's 4.47GB big. So any suggestions on how i can share it?
Puhpine3mo ago
you could upload the sqlite to google drive and send the link
DariusOP3mo ago
I could. I'll see if i can figure out how. also the sqlite is the server_data for the server right?
Puhpine3mo ago
DariusOP3mo ago
DariusOP3mo ago
Ok. i think i got a link to it, here. do tell if it works.
Google Drive: Sign-in
Access Google Drive with a Google account (for personal use) or Google Workspace account (for business use).
Puhpine3mo ago
gonna test it now can you edit the permissions so anyone can download it?
DariusOP3mo ago
i'll try.
DariusOP3mo ago
Hopefully it will.
Puhpine3mo ago
it works fine for me new chunks update fine like they should
DariusOP3mo ago
wth- with the word file? Well. idk. maybe it was an error with the world that made it break on that world specifically? Well. one thing i have started doing now is making backups of the file so i can go back to one that works if one breaks.
Puhpine3mo ago
hmm yea might be best because i am out of ideas unfortunately
DariusOP3mo ago

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