41 Replies
please help
what dh version are you using?
let me check

is there a newer one?
cant you see im typing?
now i can
oh, weird
I wasent full screen
this issue of strips of lods not showing up is a known issue for 2.0.2, there is a test build for 2.0.3 here: https://discord.com/channels/881614130614767666/881744029509906472/1228879367342391446 which fixes the problem, but like i said, its a test build so stuff will break, even more than in 2.0.2
You can also try to make these lods appear by turning up cpu load and flying over them, or force a chunk update by placing or breaking a block. i understand that thats quite annoying to do for so many chunks, but i dont think there are any other solutions than that or using 2.0.3
ok thanks
my world curuped now
when ever I load it it crashes
what did you do before this?
I switched back to 2.0.2 bc 2.0.3 was dieying
and i take it you didnt make a backup?
mabye i can join it on 2.0.3
let me reinstall it
but idk how to fix the other issues
like what?
idk the lods just brake and the gui dose too
like it just says in chat it turned off rendering or somthin
a more detailed bug report would be quite useful i think. as james was under the impressing that 2.0.3 didnt have any glaring issues https://discord.com/channels/881614130614767666/961441646967406593/1229061096820965447
for me its unplayable
so i guess ill just report to you with a screen shot
yay it loads
got it

also it says that iris dosent work so is there a vertion of iris for this vertion?
not at the moment, forgot to say that
does it work without iris?
yah and now im stuck without shaders D:
hopefully theres a new vertion soon
i hope so too, sorry man
can you fix my issue though?
there were some changes made to the file structure from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3, its probably complaining about that
so just to confirm, 2.0.3 is now working, but 2.0.2 is not?
no they both dont work
how does 2.0.3 not work?
2.0.2 cant join the world and 2.0.3 dose that
i though this was a confirmation that it works without shaders, so i think i misunderstood
so it doesnt work, even when not using iris?
every time It dose that i need to restart to join again
you cant evan lanch it with isris so i dont know why you thought that
i do not know how to revert the files from 2.0.3 to 2.0.2
i dont think thats possible
what is your mod list?
just saying c2me is arealy configured

can you try to load the world with just DH?
just dh?
i cant my datapacks require mods
Oh, so you also can't remove mods to figure out what mod is causing the issues?
In that case I dont know how to help you any further, sorry