don’t know what to call this
I found an incompatibility between supplementaries which I’m using with DH, can someone confirm if that’s the cause of this clusterhell? And if so is there a patch
16 Replies
You can check yourself by removing supplementaries and seeing if it works fine
Would removing that corrupt the world I just made?
It shouldn't I don't think but remove it and make a new world if you are unsure
You got any recommendations for a good decor mod equal to supplementaries?
What are you looking for like what kind of look?
I mean you could try quark but it is down to personal taste
Something on par to how much stuff supplementary has, nothing modern but more rustic
or a patch between these two mods if ones even made yet
I don't use those kinds of mods but you could try asking around in the community to see if anyone has any ideas
Ok so it wasn’t supplementaries, I’m not sure what else could be causing this
Maybe the shader?
What shader are you using and what version?
Supplmentarie doesnt even do anything
Yes it does, supplementaries adds a whole lot of new blocks and items to the game
I know I mean i dont have any problems w it
Sorry but that was not very clear from what you siad
Its alright
This looks like an LOD chunk hole
did you fly around at all in this world? Overdraw prevention freaking out looks weirdly similar to this