Valkyrien Skies 2 crashes with Distant Horizons

No creating VS2 structures necessary. Install latest Kotlin, DH and VS2 for 1.20.1, enter new world, wait a bit, get crash. I made an issue on the VS2 github since the crash seems centered around VS2:
Game crashes randomly with just VS2 and Distant Horizons installed ...
Mod Name Distant Horizons This issue occurs when only Valkyrien Skies, addons, and the mod I have specified are installed and no other mods I have tested this issue and it occurs with only Valkyrie...
18 Replies
Puhpine8mo ago
hhmm, imma see if i can replicate the issue how long did you have to wait?
plokijjikolpOP8mo ago
sometimes it was seconds from creating/entering the world, once it was like 20 minutes usually you dont have to wait too long, can even afk with inventory open
Puhpine8mo ago
can you find the seed of the world where it crashed instantly?
plokijjikolpOP8mo ago
I think it was this one
if it crashes right out of worldgen, it usually throws the Exception ticking world crash instead of Exception in server tick loop And if you rejoin the world it'll let you in for a bit
Puhpine8mo ago
while i did get an error in chat from DH, it doesnt seem to crash for me can you perhaps try with a new instance?
plokijjikolpOP8mo ago
I got an error in DH chat once during testing too I will try making a new instance to eliminate possiblities keeping new world afk to the side to wait for crash
Puhpine8mo ago
yea mine is still generating as well still generating with no errors hbu?
plokijjikolpOP8mo ago
nothing yet longest ive had it take is like 2 minecraft days
plokijjikolpOP8mo ago
whew was almost losing hope LOL
plokijjikolpOP8mo ago
made a second world and was flying in creative
Puhpine8mo ago
do you have any idea if it also happens without DH?
plokijjikolpOP8mo ago
not sure, i didnt get it to happen without DH previously but since it took so long that time it couldve just been a chance fluke and in modpacks where the crash happens more quickly/frequently removing DH seemed to fix the issue here's a few other crash logs I collected from people in the VS2 discord, both fabric and forge:
plokijjikolpOP8mo ago
haven't gotten it to crash with just vs2 yet ill leave it open in background just incase hasnt crashed in an hour and half so probably safe to say
Puhpine8mo ago
hhmm weird, and that is with constant world gen?
plokijjikolpOP8mo ago
just had it open in background with inventory open so genning until it reached the dh render distance limit i guess wait no it wasnt with dh so not constant world gen no but it was with constant world gen for a half hour i was flying around

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