Is there any way to make my minecraft use gpu so i can get more render distance? I just now realised it is only using cpu and ram even though GPU is meant for graphics and there is no way minecraft just has no graphics Im not having any errors aside from general struggles with performance. im just wondering if i can have my GTX 1660 do something on minecraft
10 Replies
PPlayer312w ago
render distance is almost entirely dependent on how good ur cpu is
Fusion2w ago
but isn't it graphics
PPlayer312w ago
gpu is just rendering the picture, cpu is the thing that actually loads chinks
Fusion2w ago
PPlayer312w ago
also are u completely sure its on 1% usage?
PPlayer312w ago
i saw the pic
No description
PPlayer312w ago
when u took a picture GPU usage is 1% BUT BEFORE THAT it seems way way higher it seems to be a 25%-ish ofc if i tab out of MC and open tsk manager my gpu is gonna be at 1%
Fusion2w ago
oh yeah no thats cause i was playing helldivers 2 i wasn't on minecraft Also dark souls 3 is running in the backround because i forgot to close it like 3 days ago i need to remove that from my task bar
Miki_P982w ago
You might want to confider optimalization mods like Sodium and Lithum if you are not using them already Forge equivalent of Sodium is Oculus IDK about Lithium Also you can increaase LOD quality for free because that will mostly affect GPU And you can enable some shaders
Darth J0K3R
Darth J0K3R2w ago
Sodium for forge is embedium. Lithium for forge is roadrunner. Starlight for forge is Radion