Does anyone know why my game won't load? Are there any conflicting mods?

when I start my game it starts to load but the bar stops half way through I was wondering if any of my mods conflicted with DH. I am on a M1 mac with the latest version OS and on the modrinth launcher but i can also use the vanilla one as well if that will fix it here is the list of my mods: Architectury API Better clouds Better mount HUD Better ping display Better recipe book Better F3 Bobby CICADA Cherished worlds Chunky Cloth config Concurrent Chunk Mana(C2ME) Continuity Controlling Cool elytra roll Debugify Distant horizons Do a barrel roll (I have this disabled half the time) Dynamic FPS Eating animation Effect timer plus Enhanced block entities Entity culling Explosive enhancement Fabric api Fabric language kotlin Falling leaves FerriteCore Freecam Gamma utils Held item info Immediately fast Indium Krypton Lamb’s dynamic lights (using RyoamicLights rn) Litematica Lithium Malilib Modmenu Modern fix Mouse tweaks Noisium Not enough animations obsidianUI Reeces sodium options Replanter plus Searchables Shulkerbox tool tip Simple Voice Chat Sodium Sodium extra Status effect bars Tiny item animations Villager names Visual overhaul Xaeros world map/minimap Yet another configlib Zoomify Entity model features Entity texture features
6 Replies
Puhpine8mo ago
zoomify is known to do this, try without
snailbot99OP8mo ago
Ok thank you it worked
Puhpine8mo ago
snailbot99OP8mo ago
but is there any way to still keep zoomify?
Puhpine8mo ago
i dont know, youll have to ask the zoomify dev (do mention that you are on a mac)
snailbot99OP8mo ago
ok thank you yall are the best

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