Game crashes after a minute or two in the game.

I have been trying to get DH working on Forge for a few days now, but to no avail. I have tried launching it both inside a modpack, on its own, with and without shaders, but it always crashes exclusively with DH so I know it isn't mod incompatibility, my friend as well says it's a GPU issue by looking at the logs, I don't know how to read them or what to look for so I took his word for it. My game is fine so long as I'm in the menu, but when I load in, the game can crash anytime after 5 minutes of play, or the moment I load the single player world and all times in between. My game while in the world stays at a consistent 80 to 90 FPS regardless of settings being higher or lower. I have also tried the following to fix the crashing: 1. I have updated, downgraded, and completely reinstalled graphics drivers for my GPU. 2. I have used different versions of Java and reinstalled them all at least once. 3. I have lowered all settings inside DH and gave the game upwards of 25 dedicated gigabytes of ram. 4. I have checked that my GPU was not being swapped out for any other display drivers, integrated graphics, etc 5. I have Used the official launcher, as well as Forge launcher and reinstalled both Minecraft and Forge multiple times. 6. I have pushed my GPU in other games and stress tests, it worked consistently and didn't crash for any of the tests outside of Minecraft.(This info probably doesn't help too much, but I wanted to Mention my GPU is fully capable of handling the stress.) There may be a few more things I missed or don't remember doing, but I have tried everything the FAQ lists, as well as the things other websites posted when it comes to fixing the issue, but I am met with 2 versions of the Crash. Either (Exit Code 1 and -1) or (Exit Code -1073741819) when the game crashes. I have looked into these too, and still to no avail. I will have a list of my specs below and my most recent crash report as well. Thank you for helping me out. I am completely stumped. (Watch it be the simplest fix of all time.) OS - Windows 10 CPU - I-9 14900K MEM - 96GB DDR5 6400 (Dual channel 48GB) GPU - 2070 Super Please let me know if you need any more info from me, I would be happy to share whatever else is needed.
22 Replies
Miki_P984mo ago
My guess will be a crashing 14900k that for some reasons throws a GPU errors To test that theory you can do 2 things: - install Prime95 (iirc the name) and run a all core stress test - install XTU and decrease the core clock by 200-400 and try running MC
HandsomeSporkOP4mo ago
I have manually set the watage, as well as under clocked it slightly. I will look into that and try it though, Thank you
Miki_P984mo ago
The reason for the crash would be a Intel bug that is burning all 12 gen to 14 gen processors
HandsomeSporkOP4mo ago
Is there anything of note you can see in the crash report by chance?
Miki_P984mo ago
To prevent further CPU damage, update your BIOS
HandsomeSporkOP4mo ago
I can assure you the CPU was the first thing I tried to stop from lighting on fire lol May I ask what makes you think it's a CPU crash? Or just a hunch?
Miki_P984mo ago
I have 13900k, Fortnite was crashing with GPU out of memory and I later found that this GPU error is a known result of the unstable CPUs If the CPU can throw a GPU error and you tested your GPU in other games
HandsomeSporkOP4mo ago
I see, assuming it is the CPU, what can I do to fix that issue?
Miki_P984mo ago
I thought it might the a value reason Update the BIOS and RMA the CPU or permanently underclock and undervolt the CPU as well as decrease the RAM speed The CPU crashing is jut my theory though
HandsomeSporkOP4mo ago
Gotcha gotcha Anything else that may have caught your eye? Have you ever seen the mod crash like this before? AH! One thing I should mention, friend of mine is running the same CPU and a 3080, and is able to run the mod fine. Dunno if that changes anything. Thought I should mention it though just in case
Miki_P984mo ago
Yes, Shimmer and DH Log suggest „normal” crash on the GPU side So either a shader bug, bad GPU or bad driver
HandsomeSporkOP4mo ago
Still crashed without shaders, used old and new drivers, so... bad GPU? It is old, from my old PC before recently building this new one, but I'm able to run a game like Monster Hunter Wilds on High graphics and no issue Not like I have low framerate issues either
Miki_P984mo ago
Of you see something a a screen there is 99% chance that a shader is used, shader is just a code that is run on the GPU including vanilla DH rendering
HandsomeSporkOP4mo ago
Miki_P984mo ago
If the GPU works in other games it should not be bad
HandsomeSporkOP4mo ago
So it's a shader issue?
Miki_P984mo ago
Try stress testing it with furmark or other GPU stresstest app Might be, but then more then 1 preson should have reported it Try different DH versions if you want You can also try fabric, but it shouldn’t change anything
HandsomeSporkOP4mo ago
Tried on both Fabric and Forge So, returning to the game, maxing out GPU and putting CPU to minimal impact, now I'm fine? I tried this before and vice versa but I was still crashing... Nope, still crashes Just takes longer I don't get how this is a DH exclusive issue though, removing DH from the modpack i was running before it didn't crash, it's only with DH Sorry if I'm looping dialogue, I'm just thinking outlook in a sense
Miki_P984mo ago
IDK why, but DH is a super good CPU stress tester. I had a CPU undervolt that was stable on cinebench and all other games, but every time I tried to run it with DH I was getting almost instant Blue screen
HandsomeSporkOP4mo ago
So I just have to super undervolt my CPU to play DH? How badly would it affect proformance?
Miki_P984mo ago
IDK, but not undervolt, underclock and slightly undervolt and see if it helps If it does not help search further It can also be a Sodium issue as it changes a lot of rendering, I don’t remember if you tried without it or not
HandsomeSporkOP4mo ago
Running the mod by itself also runs for a minute, then crashes, so I know it's not a mod compatability issue I'll underclock my CPU and see how that works out, thank you for all your help

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