Unclear on correct shader compat versions for DH 2.0+
I feel like this has to be explained somewhere, but I've looked through the faq channels and some info on github and I still wasn't clear on exactly what I needed.
- Is DH + shaders in a playable state currently? Are there major/gamebreaking issues? Does it need more time to cook?
- If it is playable, what Sodium/Iris or Rubidium/Oculus versions can I use? Is it more/less stable on fabric vs neoforge?
- Server support: will it work at all? E.g., if a client loads an area, will DH "remember" the LoDs for that area and display them later? I feel like I've seen this work correctly in older versions without needing some special server fork. Could I theoretically just turn up my server view distance crazy high then have each client reduce their draw distance and have it work that way?
- If I want to use the new shader support, where exactly should I be downloading DH versions from? Am I supposed to be downloading nightlies? Some patreon version somewhere? I haven't seen any specific alpha version downloads anywhere, but maybe I'm just blind.
Bonus Question: Are there any known packs that already incorporate DH2+Shaders?
20 Replies
you are in fact blind

2.0.1? The new support starts at 2.0.2
At least, thats what I have read.
works fine for me
I'll give it a try, I suppose... thanks
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
second bullet point says
Distant Horizons v2.0.2a or higherall those are lower than that
idk man works fine for me
any idea where I can find Oculus v1.6.15aDH+? I assume this is a custom fork somewhere
ah - I see theres a git branch for it... are we intended to compile this ourselves? 🤔
ok so yes dh + shaders is playable but that depends on your pc to how playable. For the sodium and iris versions you can download the right versions here along with dh https://irisshaders.dev/download I prefer fabric and you can use dh on servers but you need to preload the chunks for shaders that are compatible with dh go to https://discord.com/channels/774352792659820594/1203904707270279208
go to the github to find the server fork
Reforged hub discord server
Only for 1.20.1 tho
Located, ty!
ah so thats why my shaders are no longer working
btw you also need iris installer
I’d still recommend playing in fabric if possible.
is there a difference between these two?

The first possibly could be used in both forge and fabric while the second is only fabric
Not sure if there’s a version of 2.0.3 that works in both loaders so I may be wrong but just use whichever is newer
well i got one from reforged hub and one from iris installer
The first one is prob older and only works for forge
alr ill just use the iris one