Visual Glitching on 1.20.1 Latest Nightly Build

For some reason, one of my players is experiencing this issue with no ability to remedy it. The visual glitching of the skybox when using any shader. When checking F3 it appears that DH is refusing to load or crashing. Usually if it happens to any of the rest of us, we just shrink/maximize, restart shaders, or restart DH rendering. Either of those always fixes it for everyone, except for this one specific player. They don't have a weak system either. I'm not sure what else we could have them do to get DH to reload and work?
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10 Replies
Skillnoob_2d ago
YAGPDB.xyz2d ago
This is a Bliss issue, there are 5 known potential fixes: - Turn shaders off and back on (repeat after each next fix) - Set transparency to complete in DH settings - Decrease or increase the DH RD by 2 - 8 chunks - Restart the game after applying all the previous fixes - Change the shader to different one
KairoOP2d ago
The issue is it seems to be all shaders AND DH by itself with shaders off. It appears that DH is just failing to load entirely no matter what we try including whats on that list
Miki_P982d ago
Do you have Alex’s Caves? The command is called Blisssky as the problem is most common with Bliss, but it can happen with all shaders with the same fix steps
KairoOP2d ago
We dont have alex's caves. and it appears that DH just wont load for this one specific user. Everyone else is fine. This user has a 14700 and a 4070
Miki_P982d ago
YAGPDB.xyz2d ago
You should send your latest.log file to provide additional useful information. Logs are usually located in the .minecraft/logs directory. On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/logs Please upload the file to instead of sending the raw file. This makes reading the contents of the file a lot easier and improves the chances of you getting the help needed. After uploading the file, click on Save and send the link.
KairoOP23h ago
next DH crash I will send it
KairoOP21h ago
so far where we are at
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KairoOP21h ago
i further increased the ram to 54 from 32 so we are going a considerable bit farther

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