This is most likely related to Bliss shader, but anybody know what is causing the block outlines?

14 Replies
New block edge detection alg dropped /j
Which version of DH and Iris are you using?
And version of Bliss?
Iris Shaders
Distant Horizons
Downloaded the Bliss .ZIP file from here:
GitHub - X0nk/Bliss-Shader: A minecraft shader which is an edit of ...
A minecraft shader which is an edit of chocapic v9 - X0nk/Bliss-Shader
looks almost as if bliss is struggling to render light
Could also be the Nvidia control panel messing with MC somehow
Have you tried with just DH and Iris?

I dont think I have a bad setup but I do also get really bad fps.
Okay not driver problem cus modern cpu
This out of my reach since it's a software problem outside of basic Minecraft knowledge

Could you also try bsl and complementary?
if the "Haha new edge detection alg" still happens
Tried ComplementaryReimagined r5.1.1 & Photon v1.0a. Looks like its a Bliss specific visual bug. I cant do anything about it if its the shader. Just going to wait for more stable biulds of Bliss.
Use r5.2.1
It's a bliss specific bug
The bug cant be fixed if nobody reports it, its best to report this to the devs
White Block Outlines at night/in dark · Issue #177 · X0nk/Bliss-Sha...
While using DH 2.1 and the latest dev build as of 5/11/2024. I found major block outlines at Night and in dark. I confirmed it was Bliss specific by checking other DH supported shaders.