77 Replies
server yeets this at me when playing with a DH modpack
Are you trying to run DH on the server?
If so are you using #Server side fork ?
i have no idea what this is
so DH is client side?
but if it is how would the client simulate unrendered chunks? since rendering is the servers job
Rendering is never done by servers
wait its not?
The server only sends chunk data to the clients
but i though the server has to generate the chunks
It does yeah
yea i meant generating not rendering
Fair enough
so if the server has to generate the chunks but DH is client side how would DH simulate chunks if the server doesnt generate em
On multiplayer, LODs are only generated within the max vanilla render distance as specified in the server.properties file. LODs are saved to disk on the client where they can be reloaded in future sessions
so there will only LODs for chuinks that were rendered by the server?
Only chunks that the player explores
is there a way i can let the server render chunks that i didnt explore? ore let it simulate chunks?
With #Server side fork yes
last time someone was talking about a "chunky" mod this might help?
More info about that is in the pinned message inside the thread
again what is that? what is fork

Modified version of DH adding proper server support
lemme check it out
Read the pinned message in the thread for more info
alr i got the special mod now (i guess i just had to pull out the jar file from the forge ordner and yeet it inmto mods) but does it also need oculus and embeddium on the server? and i have no clue whast this server port stuff is theyr talking about in there
also the mod i downloaded via ur link has the exact same name as the DH i tried top use until now
Embeddium and oculus shouldn't be put on a server
FYI you need to put the server side fork jar on both the server and the client
yep i deleted old DH mod and exchanged it with the one i downloaded now (hope that was right)
"for your information"
once you've got the mod on both the server and the client, you should see a few more bits of info on the f3 debug menu
so should i start the server now?
what about the port thingy?
you need to follow the instructions on forwarding that extra port first
i have no clue what that even is
unless you plan on using hamachi or over LAN
if you do, no need to port forward
nah normal internet
are you paying for a server, or are you hosting from your own computer
i bough one
try contacting customer support, and explain that you need to open port 25049 for the serverside fork of DH to work properly
this doesnt help me

^ this
customer support of what
of the company you bought your minecraft server from
uhhh note sure if i have to i mean i can access literally everything of the server
from my understanding you're paying for just a single minecraft server from a company, correct?
but i have no clue what this port stuff even is despite knowing what i have to do
well u can use that server for all kinds of games but ye i installed a forge server
mods alr on it
sounds like you got a VPS. try running the server then using a tool such as https://portchecker.co/ to check whether the port is open
Port Checker - Check Open Ports Online
Port Checker is a simple tool to check for open ports and test port forwarding setup on your router.
Verify and diagnose connection errors on your computer.
what is a port :Frog052:
if its what i need to access files and stuff i have that
"Game Port" if thats what i need
A port is a virtual point where network connections start and end. Ports are software-based and managed by a computer's operating system. Each port is associated with a specific process or service.
5 didgits
You need to enter 25049 as the port to check
(after starting your Minecraft server)
so i have to start the server first?
Yes. Start the server then check the port using this website
ohhhkay the consolue is yelling some red text at me
What errors are you getting?
i dont really know its rushing through so fast rn
but it seems to work anyway it preparing spawn area
u usally have some red text yelled at me:Troll06:
but the last times it worked anyway :Troll06:
Try joining the server and send a screenshot of the f3 screen
on it

Nice. It works

and about the prt?
what do i have to do now?
except to yell at my friend to use the new DH jar file
Seems it was already open as the client is connected without any issues
sooo everything is fine and ready to play now?
Looks like it yeah
uhh nice
Wait for a few minutes to make sure distant generation works
you mean the LODs?
looks like it

i didnt move a bit
With the server side fork, distant generation should work the same as it does in single player
yee thats what i wanted very nice
All ready to go then
this mod
again big thank you for helping, u guys here have the best support ive ever seen ngl :Frog035:
No problem, always glad to help