53 Replies
I believe this was a known issue when running with Optifine
im on fabric
was there a reason why becasue i have optifine fabric stuff
like continutiy and stuff
looks pretty good to me
Looks good
wdym theres clearly a defined line here its ovouse
You zoomed in

And it's really high too
You will see at this point
im jokeing
The closer to the surface, the more fog there will be at the edges
Noice joekin
the closeer to the serface the less i see
wait that makes sence
mabye let me load up
And rocket league is a good game
ik it was a joke i have 1500 hours
I have 2300 hours
im litterly champ
I was GC
and your probubly gc 2 or what ever
But now I'm dead
I don't play it anymore
you got demoed?
I just can't play it anymore
I'm really tired
naw theres no fog
i just saw a big chunk load in
After Minecraft received the distant horizon with shader, I replaced this game with Minecraft
I think that's why
You put much larger render chunks
The fog will be at the end of the chunks
What you are seeing is not the end of the chunks I think so
yes i am
i have all 120 chunks loaded
I think it's resolved
well its not 120 its 120x120 but im not here to do math
wdym resolved
this isent resolved
the fog isent strong enuf
Enuf :cou:
i used chunky to load them all
they are all loaded im sure
how about i look at them unload then
Decrease distant horizon chunks
ok its set to 32 and look

its not my pc
ok i can run DH
its not like im not loading things
there litterly is no fog
if there was fog then that moutin would be more foged out then the beach on the right
Look at the shader settings
just default

So don't use zoom
And ignore it
Happy ending
it acculy looked like it was about to work when i unloaded the chunks and then half the screen diapared lol

but then half the screen whent by by like this

fog still being wird
Idk how to help you
ask xonk?
not dh problem