Any way to merge .sqlite files?
Hey, I've been playing on a server for some time, then I changed server name on my multiplayer servers list and I didn't realize it abandoned previous files and started generating new LODs :BRUH: is there a way I can merge two .sqlite files with already explored terrains into one file?
8 Replies
- You can open the 2 DB files in python
- Select all LODs from one
- Insert if not exists to the second one
Google Python SQLite and SQL w3school
Uh, I know nothing about Python but I used to create applications in C#, is that possible to do in C# ? Or C++ ?
Yea, there are sqlite libraries for almost every language
For sure, but knowing C++ it will be much much harder
Give me some time, I am trying on some C# solution :Loading:
Thank you @majo24@Miki_P98 I am close to create something in C# but I don't know much about SQL, how can I know what's the table name?
I get exception errors because no such table exists and I dunno what are table names in the .sqlite file
You can use a DB Viewer to take a closer look at the Databases, but the table you wanna target is named
iircOkay, well... I was able to open the database and read some data but I get hundreds of "random" digits I have no idea what to do with... I think it'd be easier if I'll just re-explore the terrain I explored after renaming the server, it would be a 20-30 mins hustle but I have a feeling programming a merging tool would take me days...
So I think it's possible but not worth efforts in my case, anyway, thank you a lot for your assistance! @majo24
Unfortunately I don't see a "Unsolved" or "Not resolved" tag to mark this post as unresolved
I don't have the time today but I was able to get screenshots of most of the steps (right up to inserting the Data from table 1 into table 2).
You can do it all via DB Browser, you don't need to write any custom programs or anything.