on a multiplayer server and when i enable dh rendering my sky becomes bugged asf, using bliss shaders
29 Replies
This is Bliss issue, there are 6 know potential fixes:
- Turn shaders off and back on (repeat after each next fix)
- Set transparency to compleate in DH settings
- Set DH Quality Preset to medium
- Decrease of increase the DH RD by 2 - 8 chunks
- Restart the game after applying all the previous fixes
- change the shader to different one
tried those I belive, for a cleaer picture this Is what im seeing

I think this is more an Iris issue, you may want to go and ask them, just say what you've already tried
alr thanks
I changed Render distance from 64 to 256 then broken
then try changing it to:
- 260
- 250
- 239
- 287
- 269
It will broken every time I changed the number
Turn off shaders then turn on it fixed

okay thanks, but do you know how to make chunks load in multiplayer, they wont load unless i fly into them directly. on single player itll just load without me moving
you have to have on both the server and the client
Or pre-gen the lods in singleplayer and copy them to multi when you are finished
so is it like something I download and add to my mods folder?
You replace your normal DH with this one, but it also has to be installed on a server to work as intended, otherwise it will just act as an outdated normal DH
ah okay thanks
I get this same issue😔
I tried it with a completely new profile, with only Oculus, DH and the latest dev version of bliss
At first when i open a world everything works perfectly, but when i disable and re-enable DH rendering, the bug happends
also tried with a completely different pc, still doesnt work
Ok the problem goes away everytime i restart the game
what generation ur using there?
A program?
this is still an issue, i've tried changing all of these, except ofc the shader (because i'm trying to use bliss)
exact same bug

do we know what causes it?
We don’t
Yes it is still an issue
You’re not the first one
does DH not work with replay mod?
i managed to get it working in singleplayer by switching from the server fork to regular DH
but still broken in replay mod
well, just don't disable/re-enable dh while shaders are enabled 🤷
it's not about that, it is like that on launch
hmm that's weird
not any more though, i fixed it
what did u do?