I cant get distant horizons to load any more chuncks than the default amount on my server

Im using version 1.20.1 and running the game through forge, i have distant horizons, embeddium and oculus added and i have other mods installed but i have tried using it on different versions of the game and with no other mods, i have changed the settings for distant horizons and gave it plenty of time to load up the chunks around me and i have also explored the chunks around me but it still wont load anymore than the standard amount of chunks the game is set to
37 Replies
MarijnIsN00B4d ago
YAGPDB.xyz4d ago
You should send your latest.log file to provide additional useful information. Logs are located in the .minecraft/logs directory. On Windows: %appdata%\.minecraft\logs On Linux: ~/.minecraft/logs On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/logs Please upload the file to mclo.gs instead of sending the raw file. This makes reading the contents of the file a lot easier and improves the chances of you getting the help needed. After uploading the file, click on Save and send the link.
Sajid Is Baked
how do i find my log file
Sajid Is Baked
i think thats it
Miki_P984d ago
Do use the server side fork #Server side fork ?
majo244d ago
Make sure you actually started the forge instance
Sajid Is Baked
how do i make sure it has done that
majo244d ago
What minecraft launcher are you using?
Sajid Is Baked
majo244d ago
No, the minecraft launcher, not modlauncher For example modrinth, or the default minecraft launcher
Sajid Is Baked
i open it through that and it brings me to the minecraft launcher
majo244d ago
Does that profile have forge installed?
MarijnIsN00B4d ago
That is curseforge Curseforge is a bit wacky like that but technically its your launcher
Sajid Is Baked
when it brings me to the minecraft launcher i press play on the one that says the name of my forge folder and has a furnace symbol next to it
MarijnIsN00B4d ago
Curseforge is your launcher, so the thing that manages and launcher you into minecraft Forge is your modloader, the piece of software that makes minecraft load mods into the game
Sajid Is Baked
MarijnIsN00B4d ago
I can also just not explain it to you if you'd like Just trying to help you understand what is what
Sajid Is Baked
ok i get that but i dont see what youre telling me
MarijnIsN00B4d ago
I was just explaining the difference between a launcher and a modloader So if someone asks you in the future, "what is your launcher" then you know what to answer But alr, your logs are being spammed byFailed to verify signature on property Property[name=textures, etc etc etc Could you try verifying your mc instance?
Sajid Is Baked
how do i do that
MarijnIsN00B4d ago
No description
Sajid Is Baked
i know how to play the game i just dont know the technical stuff
MarijnIsN00B4d ago
See the screenshot I sent Click the 3 dots in top right and then click repair installation
Sajid Is Baked
i pressed it and its loading its done do i need to do anything else
MarijnIsN00B4d ago
Try starting mc now
Sajid Is Baked
sorry i had to go but i have just loaded mc up now and it still hasnt fixed the problem
Miki_P984d ago
. If you play on the server you need to explore first for lods to load
majo243d ago
i have also explored the chunks around me but it still wont load anymore than the standard amount of chunks the game is set to
Miki_P983d ago
you explored before or after installing DH?
majo243d ago
Gotta ask the OP, not me
Miki_P983d ago
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