Microstutters on memory clearing

Whenever the memory gets cleared in Minecraft, I get 1-2 frames of microstutters. This happens with DH + Iris, and with FerriteCore. CPU usage is around 60-80% on world loading, is stable around 40% during gameplay. Allocated RAM is 8gb, Memory usage in Minecraft at 5-22%, global RAM usage >50%. GPU usage 80-100% (100% aswell for only Sodium + Iris + Shader, no stutters there) AMD Ryzen 5 5600X Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060Ti
40 Replies
whothehellisnicoOP9mo ago
whothehellisnicoOP9mo ago
Recording with phone because capturing programs affect performance
MarijnIsN00B9mo ago
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MarijnIsN00B9mo ago
Thats what I personally use, they work great in my experience
whothehellisnicoOP9mo ago
I will take a look and try it out, thank you The game crashes without any logs upon starting the game with all the flags enabled
MarijnIsN00B9mo ago
What are your flags rn
whothehellisnicoOP9mo ago
I'm sorry, I made a mistake and now the game starts up correctly. I forgot to remove the "java" term at the beginning of the flags. CurseForge only asks for additional Flags, which java is not additional I will test the performance now with the flags enabled It sadly did not resolve the microstuttering
MarijnIsN00B9mo ago
Is your MC running out of RAM? Nope its not
MarijnIsN00B9mo ago
https://www.graalvm.org/ You can try using GraalVM in addition to the flags
GraalVM is an advanced JDK with ahead-of-time Native Image compilation.
whothehellisnicoOP9mo ago
Do I just use the javaw.exe in the bin folder as java version in the launcher? Seems to have worked
MarijnIsN00B9mo ago
whothehellisnicoOP9mo ago
Loading into the world, the microstutters seem to be gone I will keep the world running for a bit Big thanks already for the effort!
MarijnIsN00B9mo ago
Np! Have fun playing
whothehellisnicoOP9mo ago
After having the world open, the stutters come back after 2 minutes, sadly
MarijnIsN00B9mo ago
aifjuhdrsgidhg In that case, I dont know :(
Miki_P989mo ago
How good is this?
MarijnIsN00B9mo ago
The best one Ive tried I never have issues with stutters unless Im running out of RAM And last time that happened was while I had 6 gigs allocated with DH and 6 ppl connected to me via e4mc
Miki_P989mo ago
It is a JDK alternative? How does this compare to Adoptium OpenJDK, or classic Oracle JDK?
nuckles9mo ago
what i do is just give it a lil more ram so it never hits 100% just as a snack i sometimes have that problem too
Miki_P989mo ago
I would run out of RAM if I would do this
MarijnIsN00B9mo ago
OP isnt running out of ram
nuckles9mo ago
Neither am I, I have 16 GB of RAM, and I just set it from 4 to around 6.5 so it wouldn't reach 100%
whothehellisnicoOP9mo ago
Upon further investigation I found that the stutters only occur once a certain amount of chunks have been loaded. Immediately after loading the world they don't occur, yet after a minute of loading they start and get progressively worse over time
MarijnIsN00B9mo ago
How high is your real render distance and DH render distance?
Brussel_sprouts9mo ago
Oracle also has a graalvm but idk if that's the same to the graalvm link he provided
MarijnIsN00B9mo ago
I havent done any thorrow testing but its a lot better than the stock everything I never have lag spikes anymore You can always just try it, see if it works well for you and if not just revert to how it was setup before
Miki_P989mo ago
I never had any big lag spikes or noticeable stuttering, I just enabled custom GC flags because it is teoreticly better, and can switch to graalvm if it should be better, but I don't think that I could pin point the difference. I curious though why is that better, while setting the custom flags I've read what every flag does, and why I should use it, I can read why graalvm is good, but I don't know where to find what I'm replacing, a.k.a. why Adoptium is bad
MarijnIsN00B9mo ago
They are both good Just use anything other than the default stuff lmao
Brussel_sprouts9mo ago
Why does modernfix team recommend azul zulu
Miki_P989mo ago
But the default stuff should be best on average, if there is a better alternative it should replace the default value . E.G. iIrc G1GC was by default running on single thread, but at some point it was changed to give it more threads by default and ZGC sould eventually replace it . If graalvm is better, but experimental I can understand it not being default, but I didn't see any experimental warning or other stuff
Brussel_sprouts9mo ago
graalvm compiles stuff more aggressively, or smth afaik
MarijnIsN00B9mo ago
Ask modernfix ig Yes because default minecraft runs best /s Minecraft is dumb and stupid and if you want it to run optimally, you have to test what works best for you But this is getting #off-topic
Miki_P989mo ago
but more then what? It is easy to say my terrible Python app is better ten competition is by competition I mean a 30 year old Python 1.0 app. But the real competition mught be faster then my app. If there is no named comparasion data, with explaination why and how was this result achieved, I can myself fabricate any data I want
whothehellisnicoOP9mo ago
6 and 48
Miki_P989mo ago
I've found this comparison: https://whichjdk.com/ I might give GraalVM a chance I've also found that some parts of GraalVM are being implemented in other OpenJDK releases, i don't know what part does what thought, so I don't know how to value this fact
Which Version of JDK Should I Use?
Which Version of JDK Should I Use?
whothehellisnicoOP9mo ago
Sorry, didn't see there were other messages sent after the original question. I'm using 6 MC render distance and 48 LoD
Miki_P989mo ago
Also do I understand correctly that GraalVM does not support the new improved ZGC? https://github.com/oracle/graal/issues/8117
[GR-45919] Add support for Generational ZGC on HotSpot · Issue #811...
TL;DR Add support for Generational ZGC (JEP 439) to the Graal compiler. Goals JDK 21 added support for Generational ZGC, which Improve(s) application performance by extending the Z Garbage Collecto...
Miki_P989mo ago
Well that is a problem I see

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