Server-side mod crash
Distant Horizons Nightly Build [DistantHorizons-2.3.0-a-dev-1.21.1.jar] crashes server-side.
10 Replies
All mods installed on the server:
Hhmm nothing in logs. Can you try with just DH?
Unrelated, but are you aware of this?
Oh, thank you for telling me. I thought the "expanded ecosphere" was just an addon to WWOO
I will try starting up the server just with DH
One moment please
Does this mean that DH has sucessfully loaded in?
I have found very little documentation about DH server-side (seems pretty new!) - How does it work exactly? Does it just render the LOD in the background -> save it -> then send it to the client when needed?
@Puhpine (GMT +2)
Looks like it's working yea
A client will request a chunk from the server. The server will generate or load that chunk, and send it to the client
It is indeed pretty new. It will be part of the next dh update, but it's not done yet
You can
okay, thank you very much. I believe I can close this issue for now, right?
Yep you can