LOD not loading at all
Problem is as the title states. Mod correctly installed, settings work, creating LODS (files) works but are just simply never rendered. I did read through the FAQ and tried the suggested fixes but nothing worked. Shaders are disabled, no incompatible mods present. The exact modlist (Prominence II [RPG] modpack) with DH 2.0.2-a-dev, Iris 1.6.10, Sodium 0.5.3, Indium 1.0.27, Sodium extra 0.5.1 and Reeses Sodium options 1.6.5 work on friends system as expected. .tom was copied to ensure same settings.
- Logs do not include any obvious errors
- CPU usage is not pegged (--> No CPU overload)
- No errors in chat
- Problem occurs in Multi- and Singleplayer (LOD database is created and filled, since the file is over 600MB)
Screenshot reflects result of attached .toml and 8 chunks render distance.
48 Replies
Show mod folder
and tell the pc spec
Also f3
8700k and 1080ti

you think i can read such as small letters?
open in browser for original scale
its literally high res
also I stated what modpack the mod list is from
yes lol it's small
and zoom in ?
just tell me the iris and dh version
did you even read the post ?
i literally stated that
update your sodium
"Problem is as the title states. Mod correctly installed, settings work, creating LODS (files) works but are just simply never rendered. I did read through the FAQ and tried the suggested fixes but nothing worked. Shaders are disabled, no incompatible mods present. The exact modlist (Prominence II [RPG] modpack) with DH 2.0.2-a-dev, Iris 1.6.10, Sodium 0.5.3, Indium 1.0.27, Sodium extra 0.5.1 and Reeses Sodium options 1.6.5 work on friends system as expected. .tom was copied to ensure same settings."
get newer version of sodium
also get iris 1.7
i cant because those are incompatible with the "extras" mods the modpack provides
AGAIN as stated it works fine for at least one other person in this exact configuration
starts fine, generates LODs etc as expected but just doesnt render anything
@Mati Thanks for not even reading the help request and then calling me dumb - great help
yea great sending such a small pictures
youre actually dense
1. theyre not small 2. theyre high res you can zoom in 3. i provided modpack name for modlist
not gonna zoom them bc your too lazy to take bigger pictures :cou:
literally anybody else that offer some actual help ?
https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/prominence-2-rpg/relations/dependencies Heres a full list of the exact mods used

Figured it out myself
No thanks to @Mati
@Mr.BlackandRed hello, I am also trying to get DH to work on Prominence II [RPG] modpack, I have tried removing iris and was able to load in but the chicnks are not loading like in oyu photos. You stated you figured out how to make it work, would you mind sharing that with me please?
It would be incompatible with his DH version
It would create more problems
No matter that, you are using old DH version so even if the problem is on DH side you would have to update after a fix
And we do not know if it isn't fixed already
With that big list of mods I guess it is a mod incompatibility
You can try a /binary search
Try a binary search and figure out which mod is causing it.
So disable half of the mods, see if issue is still there, if yes disable half again etc etc until you find the mod that's causing the issue.
But before that just in case:
- Remove Iris, this old DH and Iris does not have proper shader support anyway
- Delete the DH /config
- Delete the lods
To edit the config, press the button next to the FOV slider to edit the config.
The config file found in .minecraft/config/DistantHorizons.toml
Single Player:
- Overworld:
- Nether: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM-1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite
- End: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite
- Custom Dimensions: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIMENSION_FOLDER/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite
- .minecraft/Distant_Horizons_server_data/SERVER_NAME/
Then open a new world
Change your vanilla RD to 2
Wait some time, if you can let say 10 - 15 min
And report if you can see past the vanilla chunks
Can you shut up
incorrect grammar
How's it feel?
ya pretty good
finally found someone to laugh at
well thanks
@Puhpine (GMT +1) please read the conversation
why do you ping him tho
Tell me this half donkey is being nice
give me a minute
Because you're being worse than me!
so are you nice
Because we're trying to help not be robots
That regurgitate the faq when the faq isn't relevant to the problem
bro lmao it's been over 10 days
why are you still mad over it
this is a post from 2 months ago. how is it still relevent?
tell him to stop being funny
I'm looking through help me threads
now this thred is on top
great job
lets just not continue the conversation
Fine by me
yeah that is what i was trying to tell him