Bobby and DH compatibility
I run a server for my friends and I want to be able to use Both bobby so people with good computers can see chunks in high detail and also distant horizons to really make the world feel immersive. The issue I'm having is that setting render distance to higher than the server render distance stops lods from generating close enough to the player to fill in gaps they haven't filled in with bobby yet.
Here is a screenshot of server render distance of 10, client render distance of 32, and DH render distance of 128

10 Replies
is there any way I can configure DH to draw LOD's as close as 10 chunks even if the client render distance is set further?
Yes, try messing with overdraw prevention in your shader's settings, if your shader has that setting
oh it did not even occur to me that would be a shader problem
my bad
Also if you have powerful hardware don't just do 128 LODs
My Ryzen 7600 iGPU can push 1024
Depends on quality preset ofc
I cba to generate lods further than that
plus I want to be able to upload the lod data without it taking forever
so people who play on my server using the client can also have the lods
would you happen to know if complementary unbound has overdraw prevention setting or where it would be? I can't seem to find it
No idea where it's at
Also from experience a 256 radius is about 1gb so it's not that bad:joewalk:
ah all right
unfortunately seems complementary does not have overdraw shader rn
ty for your help tho