Looking for optimal settings for 4090/12900k/4k

Hey guys, so I've installed these mods: Iris + Fabric Distant Horizons Indium Nvidium (I'm not sure if this is doing anything) Bobby Complimentary Unbound Shaders I'm playing on a friend's realm on 1gb fiber Internet. Everything looks great, all the mods work, Shaders are functional etc, and I've configured the shaders to work like I want and have the DH render distance set to 300 which seems to be pretty good. I have 40GB of RAM allocated to the launcher. I'm playing at 4k resolution and I'm getting 60-90 FPS when I used to get 120 at all times. Sometimes distant chunks fail to load until I go over there again.
I suppose this is to be expected at this resolution, but I was wondering if anyone has this setup and has found the perfect settings for DH/Complimentary for 120 FPS. Looking for a starting point for someone who knows next to nothing about what costs FPS. Thank you!
15 Replies
Brussel_sprouts•9mo ago
What version of mc u using Distant generation on Realms don't work It's the same as if you joined a server without the serverside fork of dh You can only see chunks you visit That's expected behavior The fps thing Is also expected behavior as Rt cores aren't used for shaders The complementary setting thing idk, wait for someone else with a beefy pc Mine's an i5 4210u
Puhpine•9mo ago
nvidium wont do anything with shaders turned on i suspect you might have a high vanilla render distance. reduce it to not more than 12
PhareOP•9mo ago
Ok. I'm playing on 1.20.6 and everything seems to work on realms for me. I guess I'm confused about distant generation
Brussel_sprouts•9mo ago
Distant gen allows dh to generate lods outside of your render distance
PhareOP•9mo ago
Oh, I don't have an issue with that, but I do see chunks I have already visited that aren't loading again
Brussel_sprouts•9mo ago
Dh (serverside fork) needs to be installed in the server for distant gen to kick in Otherwise servers that don't have dh installed/realms won't work I think it's also temporary So it'll only load chunks you visited in the session Cus dh can't store lod data on servers that don't have dh(serverside)
PhareOP•9mo ago
It's totally fine with me how it works. I'll probably only play on realms anyway. I'm just super happy to see the stuff I built at the build limit from the ground 😄 I'll try reducing vanilla render distance when I get back home later for the FPS That is a bummer if the chunks that are loaded in DH and Bobby disappear after you close the game, but I seem to remember restarting the game several times and they were still there. You think it's stored in RAM maybe? Or do the mods put some files somewhere as instructions on how to load already visited chunks.
Brussel_sprouts•9mo ago
Idk I'm not a dev, Just a random guy learning random stuff from what devs say Lods are stored in the Minecraft instance btw So not ram Probably a problem cus no dh(serverside)
PhareOP•9mo ago
Well, reading the description for Bobby mod it seems to say it records and stores chunks sent by the server. That would explain why DH didn't work until I installed Bobby.
Miki_P98•9mo ago
that is not true /lodstored
YAGPDB.xyz•9mo ago
Single Player: - Overworld: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Nether: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM-1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - End: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite - Custom Dimensions: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIMENSION_FOLDER/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite Multiplayer: - .minecraft/Distant_Horizons_server_data/SERVER_NAME/
Miki_P98•9mo ago
Multiplayer: .minecraft/Distant_Horizons_server_data/SERVER_NAME/
It is there for every server no matter if with DH server side fork or not, IDK if it saves the Reamls though
Brussel_sprouts•9mo ago
PhareOP•9mo ago
Turning render distance down to 12 got me back to 120 fps and doesn't seem to have any ill effects. Thank you!
Puhpine•9mo ago
Nice, no problem!

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