Some blocks not being rendered at border of my render distance
Hello, do u guys know why i am seeing a blank areas which was already rendered a couple minutes ago. This specially happens at border of my rendering distance. first i explore an area and when i fly back to that area i saw big blank areas at border of my render distance. These blank parts become rendered when i keep getting closer to them but it ruins the experience of playing with this mod :(
i am playing single player.
i allocate 7g ram
ryzen 5 3600
rtx 3060
16gb ram total
You guys can see other informations at screenshot

Solution:Jump to solution
Hole at the edge of vanilla Render Distance, especially during movement:
This is caused by either vanilla terrain not loading in fast enough, or shader's incorrect overdraw prevention implementation or configuration (if you use one)
Some world gen speed improvement can be found when adding these two mods, but the affect will be minor:
- Noisium
55 Replies
Hole at the edge of vanilla Render Distance, especially during movement:
This is caused by either vanilla terrain not loading in fast enough, or shader's incorrect overdraw prevention implementation or configuration (if you use one)
Some world gen speed improvement can be found when adding these two mods, but the affect will be minor:
- Noisium
- Faster Random
There is another mod that may help:
. However, it can decrease DH generation speed by up to 35%.
The easiest fix is to move slower and/or ignore it. This hole is most visible while moving over not generated (by vanilla) terrain. Moving over that terrain every subsequent time may not create the hole. And moving slower will give MC more time to load the chunks as you go.
If none of that helped, you can also tune the overdraw prevention, look at the third section to know how.
Low quality full blocks behind and around non-full block, e.g. fences or ladders:
This is intended behavior, to prevent holes in the world while you move, DH will overlap with some part of the vanilla terrain.
How much of the terrain is covered is determined by the overdraw prevention:
- 1.0
will mean DH LODs start where vanilla chunks end.
- 0.0
will mean that DH render everywhere starting from your position.
To fix this, you can either:
- Increase your vanilla RD, which will move the DH LODs further from you.
- Tune the Overdraw Prevention setting, see the next section to know how.
Where to edit the overdraw prevention setting?
Overdraw prevention setting can be edited inside the DH config under:
Advanced > Graphics > Advanced Graphics
But if you use shaders, they will override and take control of the overdraw prevention.
In that case, check the shader's settings, if overdraw prevention is not there, contact the shader devs or change the shader you use.Section one
thanks for answer
it makes sense
also my cpu temps become +90 everytime i open mc with distant horizon
it just reached 95C today. i think my cpu is dying trying to rendering chunks because i move too fast with elytra and fireworks
i will try moving slow
Yea, consider lowering your vanilla render distance
do u have any mod suggestion. i just started playing modded mc and i don't know alot about it
i love terraforge one and wants to keep it. so other mods should be compatible with it
I myself just play vanilla servers with maybe a terrain gen mod, then put shaders on it and some other client side mods and I'm done
Whenever miki_p98 reads this thread, he'll give you some recommendations
ok thank you puhpine
I indeed can suggest you some immersive mods that fit perfectly with DH:
I use all of them
Also IDK what launcher are you using, but if you plan to play modded MC a lot you will most likely want to use a custom MC launcher like Modrinth APP or Prism, if you are not already using them of course
i am using official launcher
should i swap to modrinth or prism
i downloaded these ones and will try it now

It will be easier to manage the mods
Those are only performance mods, but yeah doing it in batches might be good in case one mod breaks something
Here is my full performance mod list:
Though the immesrive ones are more important
Here is a Modrinth tutorial I've wrote:
And here is how it looks:

All from inside of the launcher!
ok i will try modrinth
these performance modes didnt helped for my problem. i still see holes and gaps at render distance. but its ok i will play like this. Maybe i should buy a extra pair of 8gb rams
i allocate 7gb ram but minecraft still pass that limit and uses 8.6gb
That won't help much either
You can try reducing your vanilla RD or changing the shader
i have downloaded modrinth

and downloading my mods
should i click that download button or choose it myself
do modrinth choose correct version for me?
If you entered search through your instance it choses the correct newest version
If you enter the mod search manually you will have to get the correct version and add it to the correct instance
So yeah you can just click install
Unless you need a specific mod version, e.g. DH 2.1.2 for Iris 1.7
yeah i wasted my 2 hours learning this
which shader should i use with reterraforge + distant horizons
Bliss if you only care about the landscape
Photon or Complementary if you care about caves houses and other insides
Here is a full list
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info
Distant Horizons shader compatibility info. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
is complementary is competiable with that mods
ok i am reading this
All shaders are compatible with all mods
With exeptions like DH
But all from that list will be compatible with DH
ok thank you so much
No problem!
you saved so much time for me
Did you check out any of the immersvie mods?
not yet
my mom wanted to play sims and i left the pc to her for one and half hour
do u know where can i see my modmenu

i installed this but dont know how to use it

it says open config menu from mod menu but don't know where it is
Did you install the mod modmenu?
first one?

didnt know that thanks
DH LOD will disapear when using it, if they haven't fixed it yet
But it should run correctly otherwise
i downloaded top performence mods recomended buy u
there are many of them
feels scary
i am not sure if they really going to help

After the most important ones, not really
You have to chose between Embeddium and Sodium
oh ok
my bad
i will try embeddium first
if it not works then i will switch back to sodium then
And update Nvidium
If this is the latest one for 1.20.1, you'll have to downgrade sodium or remove nvidium
Nvidium doesn't work when using shaders anyway so you should then probably choose to remove nvidium
oh ok
i am removing it then
Sodium is more compatible so you can go with that
ok i am trying now with sodium
Embeddium looks a bit better, but is harder to get running
it opened without problem
%96 percent of my ram is being used
